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1st grade handwriting troubles - any tips?


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My son is really struggling with handwriting. He is in first grade, and we have been using HWOT, and doing the copywork from WWE 1.


He's a leftie, and I'm not - but HWOT has been fairly leftie-friendly, so I'm not sure that's the issue.


He forms the letters correctly, with a few minor slips which I correct as they occur, but overall... His handwriting does not appear to be any better now than it was at the beginning of first grade! (I am tempted to eat the words, "practice makes perfect" here!) It's not terrible. And it's legible. But it is a far cry from what I expected to see by now.


He can draw beautifully, in fact, he could spend entire days with only pencil and paper - happily churning out artwork.


Can you give me any tips for helping him? Would changing to cursive be helpful? What about switching to paper with smaller spaces between lines?


I have tried to be patient, thinking that it will come with time... he's a boy... he's a leftie... But I am starting to wonder.


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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That is very interesting! I'd never heard that D'Nealian might be better for lefties, but that makes sense.


Anything is worth a shot right now.


He fought long and hard about the angling of the paper - but we finally have that down, and it is second nature. I *think* his grip is okay, but I didn't know to have him try holding the pencil farther up.


This is good.


Thanks for any and all ideas!

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Posting again just to say that I showed my munchkin the D'Nealian font and he is super excited about it! Wow! And even more excited about the cursive.


I have *never* seen him get excited about learning a font.


Crossing fingers that this will be a great beginning.


Thanks for the idea!

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Posting again just to say that I showed my munchkin the D'Nealian font and he is super excited about it! Wow! And even more excited about the cursive.


I have *never* seen him get excited about learning a font.


Crossing fingers that this will be a great beginning.


Thanks for the idea!



Good!!!!!! Isn't it exciting to see them get excited about something they struggled with?! You will have to check back and let us know how it goes!!! :D

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Smaller lines may help. My first grader is at the point where smaller lines is actually easier. For our drawing with copywork this week, I printed story paper with slightly smaller lines, and he said he liked that better. I was glad because I do art with him, and the first grade lines were hard for me to write on.


My son's handwriting has been not quite as focused and neat lately either. I need to go back to sitting with him and going over the best letters again. I've been a but of a slacker.

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