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I need some help with technology (Ipod)

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I bought an Ipod Nano last week. I am not into technology, but I thought I had it figured out. I did a trial run with some songs before I started making playlists for the kids. Everything seemed to work well for the first minute or so then the Ipod turned off. I tried again, many times, with the same result. I have to turn it back on and push play for the song to continue. If I touch the screen every so often it will play the entire song, but if I just have it plugged into the cd player or use headphones (but don't touch the screen) it turns off.


Has this happened to anyone else? Is it user error - and how can I fix it - or is it defective?

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Thank you for replying. I am very sure your 12 yo knows more about technology than I do. I was really hoping someone would tell me I was doing something wrong. Maybe someone still will. I'd rather be doing something wrong than make a two hour round trip to exchange it.

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