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Question about MFW Ancient & World History

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Does the student use the In Their Words book extensively, along with the textbook (Notgrass)? I like the idea of using primary sources, etc. And MFW doesn't list a lot of literature (novels), so I assume they're also using material from the Notgrass book.



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In AHL, the In Their Words isn't used a lot because most of the book is not limited to ancient times. There's about 9 sections of excerpts in that book that apply to Ancients. :)


MFW schedules more than excerpts of course, with Homer and Bulfinch.


Other novels are listed in the daily lesson plans, but not listed on the package required books because those other novels can be library books and the student gets some choices to make. Let me see if I can type this to make sense. There is more reading required that the package books, but the student gets some say in those options. It can be from the list in the daily lesson plans that are historical fiction related, or from any classics such as listed in the MFW recommended SAT prep book which lists 150 novels (again, think library).



Haven't used WHL yet (I just bought it a few days ago) to know how much the Notgrass book (In Their Words) is used. maybe someone like Donna A will know those details.




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Well, we haven't *used* it yet, either. Just got WHL this week ourselves. Let me check it out....


Just glancing at the grading sheets near the front of the WHL manual, I see grade slots for quizzes from Units 10-30, as well as a grade for the review questions in Notgrass. So it looks like the entire rest of the two-volume book is used in WHL.


Flipping through the weeks, I see *numerous* references to the In Their Words resource. Looks like it's assigned at least once (sometimes more) almost every week. So yeah, that resource is used extensively.


Here's a note about it on the Preparation page near the front of the manual:


"Older editions of EWH do not include "Everyman" in the accompanying book In Their Words. If you do not have "Everyman", you will need to purchase it or search the internet for an online version for Week 12."

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