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DD (13) loves to write. She wrote her first novel this year for NaNoWriMo and is really enjoying 'polishing' it before she sends it in to the next part.


I have really enjoyed learning to use IEW this year for younger ds, but dd just doesn't really need this much 'hand-holding'. I'd almost prefer to just let her do the TWSS with me this summer in like a one or two week boot camp, more like a workshop, kwim? I just asked her to desribe the perfect curriculum to me, and she said, "Writing essays and novels all year". I was planning to try Elegant Essay with her next year, but since she mentioned novels too, I wondered about just using How to Write a Story and/or A Guide to Writing a Novel both by Lee Roddy.


What do you think? Would this work for a full year of writing? Elegant Essay is designed for one semester. Would the other book(s) work for the other semester?

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We used EE this year and finished it in less than a semester. I think the Story writing is for junior high kids or high school students who do not have much experience with the parts of a story. If your dd has already written a novel then the Novel book would be a much better fit. (This is what I gleaned from a recent webinar where Andrew was introducing new IEW products.) So, I do think you could do both in a year. My dd went through EE, now I am having her write essays in another subject while she is working on another IEW course - continuation course C. You could do something similar - have your dd complete EE, then do essays with another subject while she does the Novel program, too.


Does this make any sense? :001_smile:

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After finishing IEW's SWIC-B level we went into Teaching the Classics. Have you looked at it? My ds and I are finishing up Jill Pike's 6wk course using TTC and have really enjoyed it. DS has pointed out to me the literary devices he is including in his writing now as a result of TTC. (Just a bit shocked that this kid who hates to write is doing this so that is a really good thing!) Your dd might find TTC beneficial to her story writing however I am not familiar with Roddy's works yet. TTC is also a very short course and we did find the videos to be very, very helpful.



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My 15 yr old ds is a lot like your dd. He is always writing short stories all day long everyday. He also throws in some poetry and song lyrics for good measure. Although he is fabulous writer using the Elegant Essay in 8th grade was invaluable for him to think through the process of writing and how to enhance it. Writing always came naturally to him and I think this was an eyeopener experience for him. Now we are nearing the end of 9th and he will remember to include certain things he learned from the Elegant Essay to give his paper that extra zing!

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