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Has anyone used Pathway Readers?


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I love the program! You need the teacher's manual for the beginning levels but not for the 2nd-on up levels. I use the workbook for my younger 2 kids. It has a lot of great phonics practice and reading comprehension questions. If your dc is a good reader, you could easily skip the workbooks.


I like that the readers focus on the lives of the kids in the family. So many readers have stories that don't relate to each other, so the kids never "bond" with the book. My kids feel like they know the kids in the stories. I think the stories are wonderful... they always have a great lesson to be learned (learning to laugh at yourself, not being bossy, telling the truth, the golden rule, etc.) It's one series of books that I'll save even after my kids are grown.

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I am using the readers. I use other programs for phonics and reading comprehension type stuff. These are the first readers that my 8yo enjoys. Like another poster said, he has bonded with the characters and looks forward to seeing what they are up to. He likes some other books here and there, but as "school" reading, nothing ever held his interest till these.

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Guest Cindie2dds

:iagree: love them!

We used the readers only. Dd loved those, but I didn't use the workbooks. We just used them as extra readers.
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We love them. They are "old fashioned" because they were originally intended for Amish school children. There are no humans or faces represented in the stories, but there are pictures. The stories are great because they always involve actions, attitudes, and outcomes with which my daughter can really relate, for instance the story of the friend who comes over to play dolls. They decide the kitten will make a good doll and they dress the kitten, but the kitten runs up the tree with the doll clothes on and won't come down. We were cracking up! The whole story, though, deals with kindness to your friend and being a good host / hostess. (and this is in the second book--still first grade!)


eta: forgot to say that I have all the workbooks but don't prefer them. there just doesn't seem to be a need for us to use them, and they are very "school-ish" like a pp said. i think they are designed to keep a classroom full of kids busy, but still learning something.

Edited by Hedgehogs4
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I like that the readers focus on the lives of the kids in the family. So many readers have stories that don't relate to each other, so the kids never "bond" with the book. My kids feel like they know the kids in the stories. I think the stories are wonderful... they always have a great lesson to be learned (learning to laugh at yourself, not being bossy, telling the truth, the golden rule, etc.) It's one series of books that I'll save even after my kids are grown.


I love this program too. We did them for several years and my son would be so annoyed when he had to "leave" a certain set of kids and begin to learn about a new set! He really liked them!


Although there is a strong division of labor in these books because they are Amish, I never got the feeling like they mandated women did a certain job, or that men did a certain job either. It more like - this is just how it is - mom and sisters cook and sew and boys and dad farm.


Even though my youngest is now getting ready for high school I still have all of our Pathway Readers on the shelf. I plan on keeping them to read to my (future) grandchildren :D

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