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Switching from MFW to Sonlight....thoughts?

Mrs. Lilac

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I'm really considering switching to Sonlight after 2 years of MFW. Does anyone who's done Sonlight or done both MFW and Sonlight have any thoughts/ideas/comments/reviews for me? I'm not thinking right now that I would do the Sonlight LA, many of the reviews I read on it are dismal....so thinking just the core package.


Would love any thoughts you all have! Thanks so much!

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I have done both for one year each. (I still use SL's readers because their book selections can't be beat, IMO.) I did not care for MFW (Adventures) and was SO relieved when I switched to SL. The things I appreciated were the organization, the IG, and the materials covered. Our history/geography/Bible time with SL was fantastic and my son has loved EVERY book he's had to read from their 'readers' selections. The two reasons I switched from SL (to Biblioplan) were because I wanted to use SOTW and MOH as my spines (and grew weary of plugging them into SL's IG) and because I want to do a true classical 4-year cycle. If SL had 4-year classical cycles, I'd still be with them! You are wise to avoid the SL LA - it was NOT a good experience for us and I regret the "lost" time; thankfully, we only lost about 3 months and are back on track. It is just too "random" in its approach; we are much more logical/linear in our learning styles.

Just remember: if you don't love what you're teaching, your kids won't either, but if you DO love it, they will, too! :001_smile: HTH.

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Just wanted to say that I used Sonlight 300 and found sometimes it was helpful to assign the reading in bigger chunks. Ds liked to read one or two books at a time instead of out of multiple books, iykwim.

I also found that a highlighter helped me organize what I wanted to discuss--this was high school, so different from your needs, but it might prove helpful for you.

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I'm really considering switching to Sonlight after 2 years of MFW. Does anyone who's done Sonlight or done both MFW and Sonlight have any thoughts/ideas/comments/reviews for me? I'm not thinking right now that I would do the Sonlight LA, many of the reviews I read on it are dismal....so thinking just the core package.


Would love any thoughts you all have! Thanks so much!


I have dc similar ages and we've loved SL for the last 3 years. I don't use the LA because it wouldn't be a good fit for us and am too happy with what I am using. The core doesn't depend on it at all so we aren't missing anything. We do use the readers. SL is the one thing that always gets done on our house no matter what because we enjoy it so much.


What core are you thinking about? We just started Core 1 to take us in ds's 2nd grade year (he'll be 7 this month). My middle ds will start P4/5 for his Kindy year in June.

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I'm not sure what core I would do....I'll have a 3rd grader (who works above grade level) and a new K'er- if he could tag along with big sister for some, that's great, but if not, it's not a deal breaker at this point. I haven't yet decided if I would try to pick one mostly for her or more as a combined....I was kind of thinking of their Core 1+2 if that's what it's called?

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