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Would it be too much to use CW Homer and Sentence Composing for Middle Grade Students

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Thanks, Jackie! We would be using the Aesop/Homer for older beginners level. Do you think that compressed course will spend as much time on the sentence level as the regular Homer A&B?


Also, can I use R&S Grammar (level 7) with this... do I *have* to use Harvey? Is it hard to make that modificiation?


Thanks for your help! BTW, wasn't it your sister's house that was destroyed by tornado? If so, how is the family doing?



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Thanks, Jackie! We would be using the Aesop/Homer for older beginners level. Do you think that compressed course will spend as much time on the sentence level as the regular Homer A&B?


Yes, you still go through all the sentence work in the Older Beginners' book, there are just fewer weeks spent on each level. Homer is divided into 10 Skill Levels; Homer A covers levels 1 - 5 and Homer B covers 6 - 10, with 4 weeks spent on each level in A and B. The Older Beginners' book spends 2 weeks on each Skill Level, but I think that will be plenty for a 13yo.


Also, can I use R&S Grammar (level 7) with this... do I *have* to use Harvey? Is it hard to make that modificiation?


No, it won't be hard at all to use R & S. The Homer core book actually contains all of the grammar needed in Homer. We use R & S to flesh out some of the topics on which we need a little extra practice or explanation.


Thanks for your help! BTW, wasn't it your sister's house that was destroyed by tornado? If so, how is the family doing?



They are tired. :D Their destroyed home was out from town and they are now renting in town while their home is being rebuilt. Suffice it to say they aren't really town people; they prefer their wide open spaces, which causes them to be in a hurry to get their new home completed so they can get out of the "city" (a small town of about 2,500 people). :D They are doing a lot of the work on the new home themselves since that is what BIL does as a career (homebuilding). So they both work all day and then spend nights and weekends working on their house. All my family has tried to advise them to slow down a little, but they don't seem to be listening. :D


Other than that, they seem to be doing very well. Thanks for asking about them!

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The Homer core book actually contains all of the grammar needed in Homer. We use R & S to flesh out some of the topics on which we need a little extra practice or explanation.


So, are you saying that in the core book we receive all the grammar *instruction* needed for the course? So you don't have to purchase the Harvey texts separately? You just need to have something like it or R&S for reference (not for course instruction)?


Really dumb question here... is there any isolated grammar instruction in the core books? Specifically, does the student get practice with sentence diagramming?





P.S. I'm glad to hear your family is doing well... I hope they can get finished and moved very soon so they can slow down and relax!

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So, are you saying that in the core book we receive all the grammar *instruction* needed for the course? So you don't have to purchase the Harvey texts separately? You just need to have something like it or R&S for reference (not for course instruction)?


Really dumb question here... is there any isolated grammar instruction in the core books? Specifically, does the student get practice with sentence diagramming?



There is grammar instruction in the core book, with example sentence diagrams. (The sentences used for these examples are meaty. Not "The cat ate the cheese" to teach direct objects.) The student then practices sentence diagramming in the workbooks using sentences (usually simplified) from that week's model.


The grammar instruction includes only information on parts of speech, phrases, clauses, etc. There is no word usage instruction (lie/lay, teach/learn), etc. So it is nice to have a grammar book on hand to cover those things.

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