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Adult classical writing program?

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I'm a hs mom to a 4 yr old, but I'm also trying to improve my own writing skills. I'd really like a program that teaches at an adult (or at least high school) level, but still somewhat "starts at the beginning". I *think* I'd really like to go through the progymnasmata, although I'm not sure about that and am certainly open to other approaches.


So far I've looked at IEW, Classical Writing, Classical Composition, and Lost Tools of Writing. Of those, it seems LTW seems closest to what I might want to do, although I'm concerned that it doesn't start basic enough.


I wish I could find something like CW or CC, but compressed into one volume for an adult! I don't want to have to buy 12 years of curriculum to go through :-) Anything like that out there?

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Thanks for the great responses!


I think I'm going to get the new edition of LTW, but also buy the book recommended by Melissa B. LTW is not progym and the book is, so maybe if I do both of those I will end up with exactly what I want.


I'm not a big fan of webinars or DVDs really... I like listening to them but then afterwards I can't remember as much from them and really wish I could just have the info in written form instead, so I can refer back to it easily. In fact, I find it ironic how much teaching of *writing* is only available in audio form!! Why don't more writing teachers *write* about it rather than only talking about it? (Yes, I know talking about it is the fifth canon of rhetoric, but still I wish info like this would be published as books rather than (or in addition to) audio... it would really help those of us who are NOT auditory learners.)


Thanks again!

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I just wanted to mention that you won't need LTW if you work through all 14 levels of the progym. You can go right into rhetoric using the Corbett book. Also, a good progym curriculum will keep you busy. Ditto LTW, which we used last year. As regards the CW webinar on Aesop and Homer, it is more than a discussion of the curriculum. It provides the lessons and instruction to get through Aesop and Homer in one month. Then, you move into essays in Chreia/Maxim.

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