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Question about pulling kiddo out mid-year


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Hey yall -


So after six months of movies everyday, absolutely no learning whatsoever, and teacher/student bullying, we are pulling out our special needs kid this week. We are in Oregon, and as far as I know after reading all the various statutes,all I need to do is write a letter of intent to the ESD. However, I'm a bit confused on whether or not we need to continue with his IEP. We don't plan on accessing the middle school for any more services, but we might in high school. Do I include the fact that he is on an IEP in the letter, or.....something else? The wording in the law content is a bit ambiguous. Thanks!

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thank you everyone!


We are on an IEP, and I'm wondering if we should bother to go to our IEP meeting next month. We're not planning on taking advantage of any of the services, such as they are, and he only gets twenty minutes of speech therapy a week anyway, so that's a complete loss. Anyone have experience dealing with an IEP and homeschooling? Do we have to keep getting him evaluated through the school district, or do the laws regarding testing in Oregon (which are only every three years) apply to him?

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I don't know anything about homeschooling in Oregon, so I can't help you there.


I would recommend that you contact your statewide homeschool group and ask if they have a contact person for special needs families who can help you navigate the law and the system. When we moved to MN, I got in touch with my statewide group's special needs coordinator, who was a huge help in answering my questions.

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Honestly, I would go to the IEP meeting and not tell that you are considering homeschooling. Let them do any end of year evaluations and such because it will be more information that you can use at home or int he future if need be. If he still qualifies for speech, I would look for private therapy after the school year ends.

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I have a little experience doing this in Oregon.


We renewed my son's IEP and then declined the services they offered. It wasn't just a formality - it kept him eligible for services if we decided to put him back in public school. If we had let eligibility lapse, then he would have to start over to prove that he qualified for services. So we let them set their silly goals, let them offer their services, and then declined them.


As far as testing goes, you do need to test at the end of 3rd, 5th, 8th, & 10th. There are provisions for children on IEPs to have a separate assessment. We haven't tested yet so I haven't looked too far into that. Here is info from the state on this subject.


In a nutshell, you are required to test at certain points but it is very rare for a parent to be asked for the results. If your child's composite score falls below the 15th percentile, then you can be asked to re-test the next year and show progress. If your child doesn't show progress then you can be asked to test again the next year. My son's math ability is high so I figure his math scores should keep him over the 15th percentile even if he bombs the language arts portion.


If you don't want to do the regular testing, you can have your child evaluated to show they are making progress according to their IEP or a self-made plan. This doesn't mean the IEP goals have to be met, just that sufficient progress is being made. Or, you could set a different benchmark (like scoring above the 10th percentile).


I go through NWRESD and the woman in charge (Mardi?) is friendly to homeschoolers as far as I can tell, and has been happy to answer my questions.

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