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Does the history/literature curriculum I'm looking for exist?

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DDs 13 & 15 like: historical fiction books and films, documentary films, making timelines and maps, writing factual reports, worksheets/puzzles/etc., IEW for writing, and of course field trips.


They don't like: doing craft projects, listening to audio narrations, writing opinion essays (the thinking is just not there yet). And they don't learn/retain well if they are reading a textbook (like Notgrass) or nonfiction books on their own, if there is not some supporting activity (other than answering questions).


And I'd like to keep them together, just adjusting difficulty up or down individually as needed. We adopted them a year and a half ago, so they've only been homeschooling that long; they're making great progress but very limited in prior history knowledge and not up for difficult vocabulary.


And I have a huge library of Sonlight books from homeschooling my oldest (now in college).


Help? Suggestions? Thank you!



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Our family is using Connect the Thoughts and it might fit beautifully with what you are hoping to find! We use it for 5 kids all aged 12-8 (one almost 13), and are purposely using a lower level for English learners but man, is it awesome. Very much along the lines you are describing and I think both of your daughters could use it together very easily.



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