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Our adventure in Homeschool.

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Last March, I pulled my then 6 and 11 yo from school. This fall my 13 yo came home.


The 6 yo had to start from the beginning as she had been lost in the crowd in the classroom. She was shy, didn't make any disruption, and was left on her own, meaning she was ignored. Between April and summer she had covered enough ground to nearly complete 1st grade, we were fine. Now, it's mid February, she is nearing completion of grade 2, early. This is such a relief, considering where she was less than a year ago. I'd have thought she'd miss being with kids from school, but she doesn't. She is such a champ! She plays more than she ever did before, mostly on her own. Her imagination has grown and is sharp. She is involved in various group activities through the week for 1 to 2 hours at a time, and it's enough for her.


The 11yo took a little while, but knew she didn't want to go back to school. She'd been abused by bullies, and the teachers never intervened on her part. As a result, one was written up on her permanent record, it was THAT bad. So much for zero tolerance.


There are times she figures homeschooling is an extended break and we butt heads. But she is nearly completion of her grade 6 curriculum, probably in the next 6 weeks! She doesn't miss the class room, or the kids. Her perspective may be skewed from the norm as she was horribly bullied, so why would she miss it? I know she is healing and safe, here with me.


DD13 became a little jealous of the younger ones being home and decided to homeschool this year. She has done fantastic! However, even with the activities, she is lonesome for people. She loves to be surrounded by her peers. She has decided she wants to return to school in the fall. Which is fine with me.


So it's been interesting, 3 kids same family, really 3 different outcomes. One is natural to homeschool, but she'd only done 18 months of school, counting K. (Which was phenomenal with the teacher she had, he taught much in the manner that most homeschool. Many child led activities. Things often went off on tangents because of interest ). She is engaging with all ages in workshops and she does well by herself.


DD11 is doing good, and enjoys working in solitude. Doesn't quite take to everything, but is getting there, it's only been 10 months. She gets enough of people in her extracurricular activities, and sometimes finds it to be too much(being with the same group 2x a week for 6 months), still not trusting being in a large group.. I am thinking she should consider working with animals..lol. Yet the eldest really misses the hustle and bustle of a classroom, even when it's beyond distracting.



Even with one returning to school, it hasn't been an unsuccessful year! It's the highest grades dd13 has had! My 11 yo is gaining self confidence and doing extremely well(and that is no exaggeration) academically. The little one, well, she's my little champ. She went from a non reader, to reading chapter books in 10 months. YUP, chapter books. She enjoys most things schooly, and works well with me, we are a good team. We do have a reward system in place for her to keep her motivated. It's a wonder what $2 and a trip to the dollar store does..lol.. and I get 2 weeks good effort for that $2.


It's been an interesting journey so far. I'm very thankful for the school board we're with now. Our facilitator has been very gentle and considerate with the 11 yo, slowly gaining her trust, as she had NONE for teachers at all.


I'm already planning next year! But with only 2. But it's all good smile.gif They are the ones who need to be with me the most. Who knows, after a couple weeks in school, dd13 might be home again.( a mom can always hope..lol)

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