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all about spelling independent work

coastal academy

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For those of you who use All About Spelling, my daughter is 2/3 of the way through Level 2. I was thinking of making her worksheets (aren't there programs for this?) or some kind of independent assignment with the review word cards for her to practice spelling separate from our 1-on-1 lesson time. She is a very visual learner. I want her to rely on her visual memory as well as spelling rules to help her, so I thought that if she could practice seeing and writing the words more often, it would help her.



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CS, I'd love to see what you come up with.



:iagree:We're about in the same place in the program that you are, and ds is a strong visual learner. I often just have him read the cards with the rules instead of drilling them orally, but worksheets would be a nice change of pace for both of us.

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I'm planning on making some sheets up for the next book(3). She does fantastic overall. And a lesson doesn't take that long. But I want to toss in some memory practice, a couple challenge words too. Stretch her. It seems nothing is every that challenging..lol. She gets the concepts, but sometimes forgets the rules.


So it would be more a rule review as we go, than doing spelling by worksheet.


Does anyone remember when spelling transfers over into their writing? She gets her spelling right, no problem, but write a sentence it's littered with spelling errors. I remember her saying this is a normal stage, nothing abnormal about it. How do you deal with it?

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Does anyone remember when spelling transfers over into their writing? She gets her spelling right, no problem, but write a sentence it's littered with spelling errors. I remember her saying this is a normal stage, nothing abnormal about it. How do you deal with it?


Yes, very normal. I found with my kids that they started incorporating more of their spelling skills near the end of Level 3. Level 3 introduces the Writing Station about half-way through, which is a good transition between dictation and writing outside of spelling. In the Writing Station, kids incorporate 5-6 spelling words into sentences or even a short story if they like. Usually the words relate to each other in a way that can lend to a story.


Outside of spelling, I first consider the purpose of the assignment. If the purpose is to reflect on history or science or something like that, I generally don't edit. I focus on editing mainly in copywork and dictation in the grade school years, and only edit things that need to be polished. Also focus more on words and concepts they have learned--I don't hold them accountable for things they haven't learned yet in AAS, unless I gave them a specific word to study. Here's a blog on how I approach that & how to help them use their spelling skills in their writing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been wondering if this is the right program for her. I feel like supplementing AAS would be too much work on both our parts. She is visual, and hands on actually distracts her, so she doesn't benefit from the letter tiles. I have heard you don't need to use them, but it seems like they also provide that visual reinforcement (so while they are distracting her, they have their visual benefit as well- make sense?). I guess I could write the words out on a dry-erase board in different color patterns. She is a great reader, poor speller, but I think that's due to the fact that she is young and she never did any written work while learning to read...her phonics lesson were all visual. AAS is her first exposure to spelling practice. She is not a "rules' person at all, never asks "why?", and is great at memorizing. Thinking about Sequential or Spelling Power...

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