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Math suggestions for my rising 7th grader?


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I am totally befuddled about what to try with my almost-12yod.


Unlike her older brother, who stayed with Singapore math all the way until Lial's, where he is now happily doing Alg 1, this dd has been all over the map in terms of math programs.


Nothing we have tried has seemed to work (read -- everything has induced tears from 1st grade on up). We have literally used a different program every year. Singapore 1, R&S 2, Abeka 3, Horizons 4, Saxon 5, and TT 6. Aack! That is terrible, I know. I hate to even see it in print :001_huh:


This year, we used TT6. No tears now, but she actually has asked for something more challenging (!) She felt very unprepared for the Iowa test this spring because of lack of review, and her math score did indeed go down. She has said she feels she needs a more spiral approach (my words, not hers) to help her remember the concepts.


I see Algebra looming on the horizon, and I would like to cover a standard 7th grade math, a pre-algebra in 8th, and then algebra in 9th.


I'm wondering what I should use for 7th and up. Would she be able to jump in with R&S? How about CLE? But then what after that? I would love to get some type of plan mapped out with some consistency for her.


Any ideas for a solid math program or plan for my math-challenged dd?

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I think part of the problem is that TT 6 is really 5th grade math, and TT7 is 6th grade - my dd, 5th grade, is in TT6 this year since folks here pointed out it runs about a year behind other programs. So I just jumped a grade ahead in it. Your dd should have been in TT7 this year :-( since TT6 was too easy.


yes, I know - hindsight is cheap.


Could she skip TT7 and do the next program - the prealgebra?

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I am totally befuddled about what to try with my almost-12yod.


Unlike her older brother, who stayed with Singapore math all the way until Lial's, where he is now happily doing Alg 1, this dd has been all over the map in terms of math programs.


Nothing we have tried has seemed to work (read -- everything has induced tears from 1st grade on up). We have literally used a different program every year. Singapore 1, R&S 2, Abeka 3, Horizons 4, Saxon 5, and TT 6. Aack! That is terrible, I know. I hate to even see it in print :001_huh:


This year, we used TT6. No tears now, but she actually has asked for something more challenging (!) She felt very unprepared for the Iowa test this spring because of lack of review, and her math score did indeed go down. She has said she feels she needs a more spiral approach (my words, not hers) to help her remember the concepts.


I see Algebra looming on the horizon, and I would like to cover a standard 7th grade math, a pre-algebra in 8th, and then algebra in 9th.


I'm wondering what I should use for 7th and up. Would she be able to jump in with R&S? How about CLE? But then what after that? I would love to get some type of plan mapped out with some consistency for her.


Any ideas for a solid math program or plan for my math-challenged dd?




One thing that might help with her testing (and in general) is a book that was recommended here by Carmen & Co, I think. We're using it now and are very pleased with the results so far. (Thanks, Carmen!) It's called Mastering Essential Math Skills: 20 minutes a day to success, Book Two Middle Grades/High School. It might be a good addition to whatever you choose to use to help her feel more confident about testing.

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in the grades before math 7. Before I switched my younder ds to CLE math 5 from R&S math 4 I bought CLE math 5,6 & 7 to make sure it lead him to where we wanted to go.



Here's the S&S for CLE math 6; it's out of order, it should go from lightunit 601 to 610 :




LightUnit 601 tests these skills and



Data and Percents

Decimal Computation

Decimal Concepts





Ratio and Proportion

Rounding and Estimating


Section 1

Formula for the area of a circle

Upside-down short division

Finding discounts and sale prices


Reading and writing numbers with



Section 2

Simplifying by combining like terms

Prime factor division

Divide by using the division bar

Canceling zeros in fractions

Larger dividends with three-digit


Section 3

Dividing to solve equations

Formula for perimeter of rectangles

and parallelograms

Identifying right triangles

Combining integers on a number line:

positive + positive and negative +


Rules for combining integers: positive

and negative + negative

Percents over 100%

Tithes and offerings


Section 1

Rounding mixed numbers

Checking division using digit sums

Annexing decimal places to complete


Measuring angles and finding the sum

Capacity measures

Organizing information with tally charts

Section 2

Converting fractions and mixed numbers to decimals

Remainders in story problems

Using proportions to convert U.S. measures

Using a tally chart to make pictographs

Section 3

Variables on the right side of equations

Using Calculators

Repeating decimals

Classifying triangles by length of sides

Understanding trapezoids


Section 1

Dividing a decimal by a decimal

Converting square units

Finding sales tax in one step

Using decimal equivalents to compare


Drawing bar graphs

Section 2

Combining integers on a number line:

positive + negative and negative +


Rules for combining integers: positive +

negative and negative + positive

Solving two-step equations with division

Savings accounts: deposits and withdrawals

Formula for the volume of a rectangle


Section 3

Parts of a solid

Solving percents using proportions

Measuring the angles of a triangle

The sum of the angles of a triangle

Converting cubic units



Section 1

Simplifying expressions by substituting

numbers for variables

Multiplying mixed numbers, whole numbers, and fractions with more than

two factors

Classifying angles by degrees

Reading tables

Section 2

Converting decimals to fractions mixed


Commutative properties of addition and


Rounding decimal quotients

Line symmetry

Associative properties of addition and


Section 3

Canceling twice to multiply fractions

Drawing pictures to solve problems

Formula for circumference of a circle

with fractions

Division with multiples of 10, 100, or


Using the calculator decimal key

Multiplication symbols


Section 1

Time zones

Appointments and schedules

Standard time and daylight savings time

Drawing line graphs

Section 2

Using dates to find the age of an object

Finding the missing dimension in area


Simple interest on savings accounts

Using multiples to expand decimals

Section 3

Scale drawings

Compass directions

Relationships of capacity, volume, and

weight in the metric system

Using a compass to draw circles

Problem solving with lists and tables


Section 1

Dividing by multiples of 100 with


Naming many years

Writing ratios as percents

The other part of a percent

Changing percents to fractions

Choosing suitable graphs

Section 2

Converting common metric units of


Estimating to divide by a three digit-


Percent of a number

Polygon review

Section 3

Dividing to change fractions to percents

Revising an estimate that is too large

with three-digit divisors

Converting common metric units of


Simplifying expressions with multiplication symbols

Distributive property


Section 1

Adding mixed measures

Double bar graphs

Why we don’t divide by zero

Graphing data

Section 2

Missing dimensions for perimeter of a


Converting mixed measures

Formula for area of parallelograms

Sensible metric measures

Section 3

Counting weeks

Map scales

Subtracting mixed measures

Decimals for thirds and sixths

Addition and subtraction terms


Section 1

Revising an estimate that is too small

with three-digit divisors

Factors of prime and composite numbers

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

Prime factor trees

Circle graphs

Section 2

Square numbers

Triangular numbers

Computing sales tax

Changing fractions to decimals on a


Angles of a quadrilateral

Converting common metric units of


Coordinates on a grid

Section 3

Rounding tax to the nearest cent

Decimal quotients and story problem


Circle terms

Finding a fraction of a number on a calculator

Short division

Distance formula


Section 1

Multiplication and division terms

Unit pricing

Multiplying mixed measures

Bar graph of planet years

Section 2

Working with recipes

Buying from a menu

Writing equations from words

Infinite and finite sets of numbers

Section 3

Using dates to determine someone’s


Finding patterns in numbers


Converting to a mixed measure

Terms for periods of years


Join the CLE yahoo group to see the NEW S&S for CLE Sunrise Math 7 (it's separate from the rest of the S&S list) and look at the samples in the "photos" section of the group. CLE Sunrise math 8 will be released this summer.


Good Luck!

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