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Florida Keys CC

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Wasn't there someone on this board whose children attend Florida Keys CC as dual enrolled students? If anyone can remember the member's name (here on the board) and would share it, I would really appreciate it. Or if the member reads this - so sorry I can't remember your board name. :blush: could I ask a few questions? We may be moving there and I have a couple questions about the school. Thanks!

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Great! I'm glad you are still on here K-FL! I haven't had a chance to speak directly to anyone, but the FKCC website says that sophomores and juniors can only take 6 credit hours per semester and seniors can take up to 12 credit hours per semester. Did you find this to be true for homeschooled students as well? The county we are in now allows the students to take 12-15 credit hours per semester during any school year and is very open to high school students earning an A.A. while still in high school. Are there many dual enrolled students at FKCC? Also, are dual enrolled students allowed to pursue an A.S. degree? I told my dds I wasn't sure they would be allowed to do many of the seaman, diving, environmental classes while they were minors. If you don't mind, I will likely have a few more questions soon. Thanks!

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Dc can start classes after 9th grade (so 14-15 yo) with a full load if you want. You have to place into the English & Math either with ACT/SAT or the un-timed College Placement test (1x free.) I think the web-site folk are thinking ps students who would have a tough time fitting in anything else. It's funny since the DE guy's SIL is the asst-princ at KWHS. She should be getting better info out!


I think they can take the diving classes at 13, but DE won't pay for it or any PE. That's state mandated (since it's their $$) and it's geared to the basic ed. type of classes. They can take all the arts (we have a great ceramics lab) and computer classes they want though.


I wouldn't say there are a lot of DE students, but we're a small town. The advisors are very familiar w/DE esp. since they currently don't have any classes for DE at KWHS--all the students must come to the campus.


Please feel free to ask away. Don't forget you'll have to be reg. w/Monroe Co. as a homeschooler & have the official letter before you can enroll at FKCC.

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