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What makes a person trash a foreclosing house?

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Very common. Bitterness is the culprit. It's very sad. Many, many years ago we had our house foreclosed upon. It was heartbreaking but it was OUR OWN FAULT! When we left, I made sure it was almost spotless (as if we were selling it). I'm sure it wasn't 100% spotless but it was clean and everything was working and in tact. We didn't take so much as a doorknob. The only appliance we did take was the microwave b/c we had paid for it OOP as an "extra" when we bought the house. I would call the police as a pp said. That is vandalism.

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I'd call the ranger about the trees. Many times in national forests, the land is rented in increments of 99 years but not owned by the homeowner. If that is the case then she's destroying government property. Even if it isn't explicitly owned by the feds, the forest is protected and she's committing a felony.


I understand the rage in destroying the house; I don't approve but I'm not living her life. Maybe she tried to save the house and no one would help her. But those trees aren't hers to destroy. They belong to all of us.



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The renters next door to us left the house pretty trashed. Whether it was their fault (ie. not paying rent) or the owner's fault (ie. not paying the mortgage), I don't care. It's a total lack of character. Have some pride, people!


When we left our house, we took all of the trash to the dump. All of it! We went back the next day and cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms and vacuumed the entire house. We even swept out the garage. While the house needs a lot of work, it is at least clean and garbage free.

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