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Cyberbee's Westward Ho NOT homeschool friendly!


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A bit of a rant but also a heads up!


We signed up for Westward Ho this year and were informed that homeschoolers were no longer invited to participate in the trail chats. I questioned that new development and the Westward Ho site manager never responded to my inquiry. Her communications up to that point were rude and dismissive. This was on top of dealing with several problems just getting signed up (the site is not professionally maintained IMO). See the site notification here:



I had recommended this simulation for a Westward Expansion add-on in the past but I can no longer recommend it. I personally have developed my own version and we will be doing it on our own. As long as they plan on excluding homeschoolers, Cyberbee and the Westward Ho simulation is on my 'thumbs-down' list. :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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Yes. She seems to have a problem with homeschoolers. It is too bad because this program used to be homeschool friendly and the gal who originally began the program did a fantastic job. The person running it now is just not good at all. Some folks just don't get it.

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Since we are in a state where home schools are registered as private schools with the state, does that mean that we qualify as long as we don't mention that our "classroom" is in our home? I agree, what an rude statement to put on a website especially if homeschoolers weren't a problem before. I'm half tempted to register as a private school and then just let it slip half way through that we're actually a home school.:tongue_smilie:

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I explained to her that we homeschool and are recognized as a 'school' by our district and offered to give her what documentation she needed to verify but she wouldn't respond to my email and neither would the site admin.


In all honesty, I think that if we had been given access it still would have been a huge disappointment because of the lack of interest the 'wagonmistress' had shown in the site problems since the initial sign-up. It would have been one of those 'fill the bucket' activities instead of a real experience. We have done our own and it has been a huge hit so things really do work out for the best. :)

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