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Please point me towards the "old" Kingfisher History Enc. that everyone loves


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Please point me in the direction of the Kingfisher History Enc. that everyone seems to love. While you're there ... would you also tell me why it's loved so much?


thank you!



Generally it has Illustrated in the title, and has a white cover like this. The ISBN of mine is 1856978621.


The content is almost the same as the current red version. They just kept it in more of a paragraph form, and did the timeline differently, so it runs vertically down the page instead of horizontally. It is just visually more appealing, but it there is not an astounding difference.



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Don't pay dozens or a hundred dollars for it. The prices I see it going for are WAY skewed. I got mine for about $4 plus $4 shipping from the Amazon marketplace. I sometimes see it listed for upwards of $90 ... even here at TWTM I see people wanting $40+ bucks for it. It's a nice book, don't get me wrong, but I think the price is artificially inflated.


That said, I have compared it side-by-side to the newer "red" edition of the book, and I do think that it lends itself better to a narrative style more suitable for outlining. The red edition has more of a bullet-point style.



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Don't pay dozens or a hundred dollars for it. The prices I see it going for are WAY skewed. I got mine for about $4 plus $4 shipping from the Amazon marketplace. I sometimes see it listed for upwards of $90 ... even here at TWTM I see people wanting $40+ bucks for it. It's a nice book, don't get me wrong, but I think the price is artificially inflated.


That said, I have compared it side-by-side to the newer "red" edition of the book, and I do think that it lends itself better to a narrative style more suitable for outlining. The red edition has more of a bullet-point style.




I agree with Tara. I got mine for a total of $25. I used my ISBN and came up with some better used prices here. I wouldn't pay more than that.


The text in the old version is just slightly larger. The text is also in bigger blocks where with the new version they break it up around the pictures more. The timeline piece was broken up into a yellow bar that goes across the top of all pages, with a little red bar that marks the time being discussed. Then a purple key points that lists out dates and events. In the old version the timeline was yellow, it ran down the page vertically (half the page) and has a lot more detail.


But if you go in and compare the text on a specific subject it is almost word for word.



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Thank you guys for writing back!


So, If I was trying to give myself a good strong 5th grade education (:blink:), is this the one I want? I do want something that reads the "smoothest". I'm trying to stay at least one year ahead of the kiddos, and boy is it tough! Kuddos to all of you with older children, b/c I know you've already been here!

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