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Deciding between R&S, CLE, and Saxon Math for dd, 7...


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I don't know how the other programs work. We use R&S and it has proved to be very thorough and my kids love it! We do much of it orally, especially if I know they know the info. They love diagramming sentences too, so we will be sticking with R&S forever (as far as R&S goes), unless some problem crops up!

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We are talking about Math here not English right?


I have not used CLE but I have used R & S. My dd found it very repetitive and it was a real chore to get done every day. She never really learned any facts but if you have a factoid child this would probably work for you. We switched to Saxon, and I was really hesitant but for my dd7 it is what WORKS!!!


She was telling someone the other day who was visiting us that "I have to go do my math now, it's not really schoolwork though, it's just playing!!" She doesn't love the drill sheets but she is learning her facts. I do the meeting strip and the meeting book and she really enjoys that part too! I know a lot of people skip it and maybe we will too down the road but for now she likes going outside and checking the temp., playing with the clock, counting money, doing the pattern etc. It's fun!


I know for us this is what works. I also tried MUS too and that didn't stick for us either.


The only negative thing that really is a postitive thing is that it is teacher intensive but I figure that mathematics is important enough for me to invest the time teaching her instead of handing her a workbook or popping in a d.v.d. (MUS)




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No experience w/ CLE math but we've used Saxon and looked at R&S. Saxon is spiral (or incremental...I've heard both terms used). There is little practice with the current topic and lots of review of old topics. You get a "smorgasbord" of concepts all in one lesson. R&S is similar BUT there is significantly more practice on the current topic w/ other topics thrown in. I like Saxon and it works well for my dd11 and ds8. Ds6 and ds9, however, just didn't do well with it. They needed more of a mastery approach to math. We switched them to MUS and already I can see the "lightbulb" going on for the first time w/ ds9! It's so exciting...even my dh congratulated ds AND me (for finding the curriculum). I just love the way Steven Demme teaches the different concepts. I don't expect ds6 to pick it up quite as quickly, having never even been exposed to some of the concepts...this is still remedial work for ds9.


Anyway, CLE math has been discussed before. You might want to do a search of the boards and see what was said! I did hear mostly positive things about it!

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Oh, I saw the previous post about MUS and the DVD's. I watch about a week's worth of lessons on the DVD (about 1/2 hr.) each week, making sure that I know how to present the concept and then ds and I watch the lesson together. We work the problems together and I make sure ds is on top of the lesson. This is for ds6. I am very involved in the teaching. For ds9...I also pre-watch the lessons but he prefers to watch each lesson himself on lesson day as well. I am available to help him and I do spend a few moments making sure he understood the concept. If he does...he prefers to go to it on his own. If not...I re-teach it and make sure he really "gets it". MUS is not meant to be independent for the child even though there are DVD's.

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CLE yahoo group has samples in their photos section. R&S will mail you samples for free.


We switched from R&S to CLE math 5 for my youngest ds. Older ds used R&S math 3-6,8 and currently is using Saxon Algebra I. CLE math is more advanced than R&S math and CLE has more variety in each lesson.

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