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This is our third year homeschooling our son. He is in fourth grade in math, science, and history. He's still in a third grade level when it comes to language. In the past we've used k12 curriculum, which is really intense when it comes to language. Our son has ADHD so the three hours of language arts we should do each day with this curriculum turn into four to five hours because of his getting distracted and only being able to focus for short periods of time. It becomes frustrating not only for our son, but for me too.


We are looking into new curriculum options. One of which is the Stanford EPGY program. Unfortuantely, I can't seem to find any reviews of this program online.


We are looking for a secular program. Does anyone have any suggestions? I wanted to follow the WTM but my husband doesn't believe our son is getting an education if we are not using a specific curriculum.

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I am not a fan of the "all-in-one" curricula, I haven't found one that would fit my DS. Kids are all so different, learn differently, and have subjects that they need more or less direction in, which a one size fits all curriculum would not fit.


It is nice to be able to choose a curriculum for each subject, something that will work for your child and your family. You will get a lot of suggestions here, but only you know your son and what he needs. There are a lot of reviews online that may help you. Try homeschoolreviews to start. Pay attention to the negative reviews, as you can learn the most from why something didn't work for a family. You can also do a search on this board for any curriculum and find comments and experiences.


You can give your son a classical education a la TWTM, by using "official" curricula. The author recommends programs, many that have been suggested here.


I agree with the FLL, All About Spelling, Writing with Ease for LA. I can't imagine a child that age having to do LA for 3 hours. At that age, your school day could be about 3 hours with all subjects. I can see why it would be hard for him to focus with that amount of time in one subject. Maybe you can find some materials that will teach in a way that he likes and understands, so school will not be so frustrating for you both. :grouphug:


Do you know other homeschoolers in your area? Belong to any groups? One advantage to this is being able to see books and curricula in person, and sometimes buy and trade, too. You could also go to a hs convention, and bring along DH if he still needs some convincing. We are starting to head into convention season now.


HTH! I know it can be hard to find the right fit, and sometimes it takes a couple of tries. Know that if you buy something that doesn't work out, you can sell it here and try something new. It is also good to look on the for sale board here to buy some things used. Good luck in your search!! :001_smile:

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My daughter has ADD and SPD. Writing With Ease is the best! It exposes her to a variety of literature, covers writing very well, improves memory and spelling and doesn't take much time. Be sure to determine placement. The levels are not grade levels. Oh, and you only really need the workbook and not the instructor text.


We are loving Phonics Road, the lessons are very short and the rule tunes are very helpful, but I think that would be hard to start in 4th... unless you need to start over, and you didn't seem to mention anything like that.



Writing With Ease Instructor Text (sample)

Writing With Ease Diagnostic Evaluations

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Math depends on the parent and child. We love Singapore, but my oldest is using Saxon. We agreed that making the switch this far along in her math education was too risky and stuck with a more traditional program.


There are tons and tons and tons of options out there for math. Ds and I used Walmart workbooks for his first year of homeschooling and it worked out fine FOR US. It really depends on the parent and child, though.

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You didn't mention how well your son does with math. I plan to switch to Teaching Textbooks once I get Emily past all of her math facts. You could do a tag search on it to learn more. :) You can probably just buy it as a separate subject from K12 if he is doing well with that already.


If he is behind in Language Arts then Phonics Road could be good for you. We have a routine down where LA takes only 20 minutes to an hour per day (it depends on whether we are focusing on literature that day). Using a different LA really scares me because I would imagine that they are more time consuming. (and it was when we used Writing With Ease, First Language Lessons and All About Spelling, especially the spelling ;) .)

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I wanted to follow the WTM but my husband doesn't believe our son is getting an education if we are not using a specific curriculum.
Oh, are you wanting to follow TWTM for all of your subjects?




All the core history, grammar, reading and writing you need for ____ Grade. :)


For science, look at Elemental Science.

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