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What is considered "community service" on a transcrript?

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I am having trouble figuring out whether some of my ds's activities would be considered community service. He plays the violin in our church's orchestra every Sunday (and practices with the orchestra one evening a week). Would this be considered service, or would it fall under extra-curricular music activities? He plays the keyboard in a youth band that practices once a week, and then plays during youth on Sunday nights. That seems like extra-curricular music, not service?


Also, my ds has odds and ends of community service through the scouts, a club he is in, and other personal endeavors. They seem like dribs and drabs, but collectively amount to a worthy effort. How would you list these types of one-off service efforts in a collective way -- so as not to appear to have a laundry list -- but still show a significant effort?


My ds is planning to apply to competitive schools, and apply for scholarships that view service as a very important component. I'd like to help him compile a strong transcript, but avoid mischaracterizing his activities.



~Brigid in NC

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I've been told that playing for your church worship/music group is not considered community service.


Volunteering at the library, nursing homes, playing music for fundraisers, etc., would be considered community service. My dd needed to have signed letters/paperwork that listed her total hours for each type of service.


I would imagine that volunteer work through the Boy Scouts would count as community service.

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