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Free college?

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I would not bank on my child being accepted at Cooper Union or Brown.


Further, I find some of the state plans of subsidized tuition to be disingenuous. At many colleges, fees are almost as high as tuition and far from free!


UNC-CH, according to the article, charges around $6700 annually for tuition. That is just one piece of the puzzle. According to the federal reporting site, IPEDS, the typical cost of a year at the school for an instate student is more like $17K.


All I can say is start saving those pennies!



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My husband went to Cooper Union and absolutely loved it. He still waxes on nostalgically about his favorite math and engineering professors, a serious student body, classes at McSorley's Pub, running electricity backwards (a big no-no as his class found out when the utility company paid their class a visit!) and chats with the dean just to talk about school policies. I think he secretly would like our youngest to go there. The campus is very small, about three buildings or possibly four if you count McSorley's. ;)

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