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Has anyone ever used "150 Great Books"?

Princess Peach

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I'm going to be brutally honest here... I think that would drain the fun right out of reading the classics. I have looked through it in the teacher's section of our library, so I am familiar with the format.


Unless you have a classroom of kiddos or a child who isn't honest with you about getting their reading done, I can't think it would be very useful. It would be much better to discuss the books with your dc (even if you need to Google for a synopsis) and have them do writing assignments than to take quizzes on the book. That's just not a great way to intereact with literature.

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I'm going to be brutally honest here... I think that would drain the fun right out of reading the classics. I have looked through it in the teacher's section of our library, so I am familiar with the format.


Unless you have a classroom of kiddos or a child who isn't honest with you about getting their reading done, I can't think it would be very useful. It would be much better to discuss the books with your dc (even if you need to Google for a synopsis) and have them do writing assignments than to take quizzes on the book. That's just not a great way to intereact with literature.


Thanks for the honesty; that's what I was looking for! :001_smile:


See, here's the thing. My DS is an amazing reader and reads several books per week. But he HATES writing. I am thinking of getting Jump In for him next year for that. But having to write something would really make him hate his assigned reading! So can I just discuss the books with him? I'm thinking ahead to high school to really get into literary analysis. But maybe I'm just trying to put it off. :glare: What do you think?

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Thanks for the honesty; that's what I was looking for! :001_smile:


See, here's the thing. My DS is an amazing reader and reads several books per week. But he HATES writing. I am thinking of getting Jump In for him next year for that. But having to write something would really make him hate his assigned reading! So can I just discuss the books with him? I'm thinking ahead to high school to really get into literary analysis. But maybe I'm just trying to put it off. :glare: What do you think?


I would definitely just discuss then. The biggest thing you will need for high school is a child who likes to read, so you don't want to mess with that.


I wouldn't get into literary analysis even, at this point, except for a few books a year that you are studying more deeply (the ones in LLATL, probably.) Just ask how he liked the book, what it was about, etc. That will tell you just as much as a quiz, and it won't have the possibility of making him hate it. :001_smile:

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