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Meaningful Composition and IEW

Country Girl

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I've seen a few people mention using Meaningful Composition and I have looked at the samples but I am interested in some more feedback. From what I have read and can tell, it looks very similar to IEW. So, what would be the advantage of one over the other? Meaningful Composition is definitely cheaper which is a huge plus. However, if it doesn't do the job as well I'd be willing to pay more for IEW.



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Country Girl, is your dc very advanced and already writing his own narrations? I wouldn't bother with either of those till your dc can write his own narrations comfortably. Check out the 1st and 2nd grade recommendations in WTM and consider FLL and WWE. IEW isn't even meant to start till 3rd or 4th, and people doing it with youngers either have older kids as well or advanced dc. You DON'T need a full writing program like that yet. WWE or even just doing what WTM says will work just fine and cost a whole lot less. :)


I just saw your post on the accelerated board, so I thought I'd add a little bit. You still don't need a fancy writing program. Just look in WTM and go through the progression of the skills, moving through the grades. At least that's the way I've done it. Once your dc can write their own narrations, you can try some simple rewrites (fables) then get WT1. Then do WT2. Then start into some non-fiction/paragraph/structured writing using the recs and methods in WTM. You'll notice the lady raving about IEW (one_l_michele) has BOYS. You might find your dc prefer having the creative additions and whatnot of WT. Just depends on the kid but is something to consider. The world will not end and you can still do a good job without IEW. ;)

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Thanks Elizabeth! You have been helping me out everywhere today :D. I don't know why I'm even looking:confused:, I am very happy with the paragraphs my ds has been writing this year. Like I mentioned in my post on the accel. board, I think I am going through of period of insecurity. I keep hearing about these "wonderful" programs and start thinking I'm shortchanging my ds by not doing them. Also, as I am starting to plan next year I keep second guessing our choices. Writing/language arts is my weakest area so I have a tendency to think I need to do more and more to overcome my weaknesses. Thanks for talking me down!


Take Care!

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