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Okay lady issues - Dr. Hive needed for TTC issues...

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I don't know what's going on with my body. icon_sad.gif I used to be predictable, and now I have no clue what to expect cycle to cycle. I'm going to be 30 this fall...but that still is fairly young, right? icon_sad.gif

I had my IUD removed four months ago. I had an IUD previously (a few years ago) and had cycle issues for a couple months after removal, but not like what I'm going through now?

My ovulation is later then usual, although I've had some late ovulations before and even got PG on one of those late ovulations with my 5th son .

My leutal phase was short the last two cycles (10 days) so I started drinking raspberry leaf tea (for the last two weeks now) and taking vitamin B-6 (100 mg for the last three days).


This cycle I keep getting random high temperatures, that are usually what I see in my post-O phase. I'm only CD 10 today, but I had fertile CM w/ some light spotting yesterday and a temp jump today. I'm wondering 1) what's could be the cause of these random high temps and 2) If my vitamin b-6 or the RRL tea could cause high temps or 3) if I could have ovulated yesterday?






My charting page: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/215eb

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hmmmmm.... I'm not an expert on temps, since I've never charted those. BUT....I was looking up some stuff yesterday, and it was saying that you can get -what looks like-fertile CM on multiple days throughout your cycle. So, while a sign to watch for, it's not fool-proof.


I don't know when I would get it checked (how long to get the IUD out of your system--are the effects gone as soon as it's removed?), but I would get a general physical. When my thyroid medication needs adjusting, I get some really wonky cycles.

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Thanks for the reply :)

I did have my thryoid checked about 6 months ago, and it was all normal?

Its not so much the fertile CM patches I'm concerned about, but the weird high temps this cycle and screwy cycles I've had lately. uggh!


Mirena IUD is supposed to be out of your system as soon as its taken out. "They" say you should be fertile right away. However, I've known many women who can't get PG for months afterward (and some do get PG right away though). Also, I've had it twice now and each time it messed up things for a few months.

I hate the Mirena! :(

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I don't know how I could be making it complicated? I am just taking my morning temps for charting purposes. I think its good to chart because you can see when you typically ovulate, and plan accordingly. ;) Even if I wanted to just have fun while waiting for my body to readjust, its good to have a cycle history to go off of so that I know what is normal for me. Also it helps to show issues that may be happening in your cycle so that you can correct them.

For example, my leutal phase (from when you ovulate until your period comes) has been short (around 10 days). Usually less then 12 days is considered a problem, a leutal phase defect. A fertilized egg can't implant if there is not enough time between ovulation and your body preparing for a period. Ten days is short, but not too short to freak out about thankfully, since fertilized eggs can implant starting around 7 days. Even still, it is a bit short so I can help that now by taking some extra vitamin B-6. :)


That said, yes I do have no patience though! When I get it in my mind that we're going to TTC...each month that passes is hard. :( I know it's not been long in comparison to real fertility issues that many women face, but it doesn't make it any easier. Its hard for me to just "have fun" because I always think that if I miss the ovulation that month, then it was a "wasted" month. lol

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I would give the B6 at least another cycle or two. Three days isn't long enough for it to be taking effect.


The RRL might be a reason for the higher temps. I've seen some things saying it will help with progesterone levels, which would show higher temps. I'd have to do more research. It seems though that it wouldn't cause super-high temps that would interfere with the cycle. And if it were doing that, it makes sense (to me..lol..again, I need to do more research) that your LP would also be getting longer due to increased progesterone in your system. :confused:



And there are no interferences with the temps, in particular this past Sunday? If not, I would just disregard it and watch what happens over the next few days to week.


You'll have to wait a day or two to see if you did ovulate yesterday. Wait to see what your cm does and if your temps go up anymore than that.


If the LP doesn't lengthen then you might look into doing something more aggressive with progesterone.


Even though after your last removal it didn't take long to straighten out, that was then. You've had a baby since then, right? Your body may have changed a bit and after this removal needs a little more time.

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Thanks for the reply! I answered in red...




I would give the B6 at least another cycle or two. Three days isn't long enough for it to be taking effect.

I didn't think it would be in effect yet, I just wondered if it would be causing these weird random high temps. But I should see a difference by maybe next cycle then?


The RRL might be a reason for the higher temps. I've seen some things saying it will help with progesterone levels, which would show higher temps. I'd have to do more research. It seems though that it wouldn't cause super-high temps that would interfere with the cycle. And if it were doing that, it makes sense (to me..lol..again, I need to do more research) that your LP would also be getting longer due to increased progesterone in your system. :confused:



And there are no interferences with the temps, in particular this past Sunday? If not, I would just disregard it and watch what happens over the next few days to week.

No interferences with the temps...I'll just "discard" them and see what happens next.


You'll have to wait a day or two to see if you did ovulate yesterday. Wait to see what your cm does and if your temps go up anymore than that.


If the LP doesn't lengthen then you might look into doing something more aggressive with progesterone.


Even though after your last removal it didn't take long to straighten out, that was then. You've had a baby since then, right? Your body may have changed a bit and after this removal needs a little more time.

Yes I had my fifth son after my first IUD, and then after I had him I had the IUD again without even having a postpartum period first because I was breastfeeding. So I imagine things were still pretty messed up - my cycles trying to get back after a postpartum period and an IUD. Thanks for the words of advice!



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Ah..ok..gotcha. :)


I'm reading differing things about how long. I would wait 2-3 cycles. If it doesn't lengthen the LP and if you keep spotting (which can be normal around ovulation) mid-cycle, I would look into progesterone.


Yes, your body may be trying to adjust from all of that and now coming off the bc again.

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