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If you have used LC series,and are switching to Latin Prep...


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I would not skip Latin Prep1. We had finished LCII before starting Latin Prep 1 and it was just right for us. Your 13yo will be able to work through the text at a faster pace but I definitely wouldn't skip it. It covers all the noun cases before Chapter 5 and provides invaluable translation and reading exercises.


My nine year old is using it but he has studied Latin for three years and had finished LCII. The LC programs provided a very strong base for our Latin study in showing us how to memorize and recite the material. Latin Prep 1 tells you to do this but unless you're already in the habit there's a good chance you might not be successful as it can move quickly. I think a bright nine year old could jump in to Latin Prep 1 but I'd emphasize mastering the vocabulary and memorizing EVERYTHING before moving on. It will be much slower going for him. If he's only finished PL I'd be tempted to have him work through LCI and LCII before taking up Latin Prep.


I hope that helps. Having no Latin experience myself I'm grateful we started our Latin journey with the LC program. It gave me the tools I needed to successfully teach the material and now we're applying those same methods to Latin Prep.

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Just agreeing with everything Lynn said.


Another nice bonus of starting at LPrep1, especially after a summer break, is that the beginning lessons provide a very nice review. When my son, who had already had 3 years of elementary Latin, began LPrep, we found that we could easily complete 4-5 exercises per day. As soon as we hit new material, we settled into our current pace of 1-2 exercises per day.


Re: your 9yo ... 9yo is on the young side for using LPrep. After you have the materials in hand, you can probably make a better judgment call as to whether your 9yo will flourish with LPrep or benefit by going thru LCI first.

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