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Have you ever made your own seitan?

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I did about 30 years ago :). I don't mean to discourage you... your experience may be very different... but I found it difficult (in the sense that it took a lot of time, not that it was very hard), and if memory serves, I didn't like how much waste was involved... it seemed like too much stuff went down the drain.


Good luck at your attempt, though. I could have been doing something wrong. I only tried it a few times then decided it wasn't worth it. That was back in the days we ate TVP (affectionately known in my home as kibbles and bits :)). I decided the store bought stuff was worth the cost. Kinda like the time I tried to make my own tofu. GAH!!



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I tried once years ago, and it didn't work out as nicely as store-bought seitan. I'd be interested in figuring out a cost comparison, since flour is going up in cost and seitan itself is always pricey... but several of my favorite holiday recipes use seitan in quantity. Please post how yours works out!

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