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Corrected Essay Required


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What does everyone do when a college application process requires that you send in an essay that was graded with teacher comments?


If you send in a corrected essay, how do you decide which one to send in and what type of "teacher" remarks do you write on the paper?


My kids write their outlines first - which I than approve and/or help them fix up prior to writing. Then my kids write their essay and use spelling/grammar check on the computer on their own. Next, we look the essay over together and come up with the needed revisions. No time do they ever just turn in a paper for a grade to me - hmmmmm.


This has got me stymied!




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I would start keeping drafts of the essays with your comments and theirs noted on them. Then, I would submit the "final" rendition. We had to do this in grad. school. It is best to make it a habit if you are going to have to give things like this to colleges in a portfolio. We are trying like crazy to make this happen for us as well.

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I have a written grading rubrics that fits on one page, saved as a Word doc. I print a copy of that, and attach it to the back of dd's final essay/paper. It includes room for comments that I either type in before printing or hand-write afterwards. Consider submitting a final copy of an essay with something like that attached so they can see your comments.

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DD needed this for one college. So, I asked my dear friend, the principal of a private school, to assign an essay to her and grade it for me. That's the one we sent in. Do you have any friends that are teachers, writers, college profs, etc. who would be willing to do a favor for you?



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for one college he applied to, and I sent in a graded paper from a lit class he took with Potter's School. The graded paper was returned to him electronically, so the paper text was in black print and the teacher had added her comments in red type. I guess it was OK because they accepted him. He didn't go to that college, though.



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