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HOD Creation to Christ


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If you are using that what changes or additions are you using with this program? I really like this program and I plan on starting this with my dd next week, but I am having trouble figuring out exactly what I think our day should look like.


Here are the changes that I am considering. I plan on changing the spelling to AAS. I want to change the math to CLE math. I have Singapore and I love it, but my dd really needs the built in review that CLE provides. I haven't decided on what to use for writing. We are currently finishing up MC, but I don't think either of us want to continue with it. I don't want to use Drawn into the Heart of Reading. The rest I plan on using as written.


Then there are the things I want to add to the program. I want to add Latin, logic, literature, Figuratively Speaking, Killgallon, etc and probably a few more things that I am forgetting. I have another student that is likely dyslexic and needs my help for every subject. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to streamline or any scheduling advice?



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I'm on lesson 12 of CTC. I've just decided to try looping the subjects more. I'm rushing through things and I really am disconnected from what my son is doing...so much so that I couldnt' tell you what he studied in history, etc. So I'm going to slow the pace down.


I also use AAS, and MUS for math. I do not do DITHOR. I'm having my son do the boy interest set read alouds as his own reading, as I am alreadying reading something else aloud to all the kids.


I've also decided (for today at least :tongue_smilie:) to just keep going with the Rod and Staff English (which I've grown to love) and stop on the writing. I'll pick it up later....well, maybe. There is nothing wrong with it, but for me, I just like to keep that grammar flow going every day. This is my son's first successful grammar program and I don't want to slow down the progress.


We skip the Bible study (Genesis) because I just couldn't get into it. I also skip the poetry painting...I have good intentions of having him going back and doing painting once we get a bit more settled and organized. We skip the history projects because he does not like the crafty stuff.


It sounds like we don't do alot, but that's really not true. There is quite a bit there, and for the first 11 lessons I tried to keep up with everything as written (except for skipping those history projects). There are some extras I like to add in and we didn't have time for any of that...so I'm going to try looping. My days and subjects are more off kilter..so I'm not sure how it will work long term, but I'm already feeling better about our days (less stressed). I've also decided to just quit at 2 and have a quiet/reading time from 2 to 2:30...everybody will be reading..then school is over.


Again, this is just what I've transitioned to. I know there are lots who are enjoying everything CTC has to offer. It's really good stuff, I just have to make it work better for us.



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My daughter is a little more than half way through. She loves it.


The changes we made.....


We use Spelling Power and Word Roots (for a Latin component).

IEW in a small co op setting (but not the Ancients one) instead of whatever HOD recomends.


I have her leave off the Art as, for her age, it is simplistic and she enjoys other handiworks activites that I think are more stretching for her. Crochet, knitting, sewing.


Finally, I do not have her do the Answers in Genesis but she does the other Science stuff. My husband is an Ecologist and he has asked me to be careful of books that set our kids up against parts of the scientific body of knowledge. He has reservations of Answers in Genesis so I respect that....they get lots of Bible otherwise so I am confident that they have the needed info to make a decision for themselves. My son is doing Singapore Science and I am thinking of going that route next year with her as well.



The thing I would not drop at any cost.....


Notebooking, both Science and History.

The extra reading chapter books on history. Even if you do them as a read aloud. They have all been great!




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It sounds like history, notebook, and books are the key things I need to keep. That is the main reason I chose HOD. I have an idea of how I want to do things, but I will have to wait until next week to see how it all works together. Thanks for the help. I have all of the core books, but I am thinking that I need to order (or check the library) for a few of the extension books.



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We are using CTC and find that when using it as written, it makes a pretty full day. And we do not use DITHOR! I even have trouble fitting in our 20-min Spanish lesson.


Your best bet is using your fifth day for extras. One of the reasons I like HoD is that they schedule only four days a week for these upper levels, leaving the fifth open for catching up or adding the extras you want to do. If you want to add something to the four scheduled days, you might want to consider dropping a box for each thing you add. (Unless you are switching one thing for another, like math.) If we drop a box, it is usually Bible study (Genesis Finding our Roots) or the history project (although if your DC likes hands-on, I wouldn't drop it too often as that is a lot of the "fun" of the program). I have toyed with dropping Write With the Best also. It is an excellent program, but slightly above my son's level I think. And the rest of CTC is already very strong in LA.


I personally would hesitate to drop any of the notebooking, audios, dictation, and painting/poetry. To me, those are what make the program so neat. But, diffrent strokes!


We do CLE math, Classical Magic, Vocab from Classical Roots, The Private Eye, and some fun educational websites on Fridays.

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