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Chore/School charts for ADHD kids

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I have come to realize that the traditional chore/school charts or check-off lists do not work for my ds9 who has ADHD. I think it is just too "busy" for him and overwhelming. I'm imagining he would need some sort of system that isn't so overwhelming...sort of like note-cards with one chore on each one. I have a system for school subjects that seems to work. Somebody on the boards here posted the idea to go alone with the workbox system but I tweaked it to use alone since we don't use workboxes. I'm thinking of just adding his chores onto this and seeing how it works but am interested in other alternatives if you have any! Thanks! Pics welcome. :D

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Someone mentioned to me the other day about giving my son a physical list to tick off once they were done. I think him having to actually do something to acknowledge it had been done will help my son...of course mine can't read yet so I will have to do pictures. I KNOW he will be deliberately obtuse and won't recognise what the boy brushing his teeth is supposed to mean:001_rolleyes: :p

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What about a white board? I haven't tried it with chores...but if I list his subjects with the assignment, he seems to respond better to it then say a checklist on paper. He could erase or check off the chore after he does it? My kids like any excuse to use the white board, so maybe that's why it works...LOL.


Just a thought:)

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We have been doing the Accountable Kids system which has an individual card on a peg for each chore. You can choose the chores and assign them for different times of day. We have been really enjoying it and the cards are flexible and are good as a physical reminder of one thing to do, finish and move.



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Would love to do AK but I can't afford the program. I have 7 kids (6 who would use it) and if I just got one for ds9 the others would want a kit for them, too. I thought about just getting the book and designing my own cards. Has anyone done that?


I think this would be doable. I have added some of my own cards, I just find some clipart to go with it and print it out with a label. If you look on the website, they also have a system they call the To Go Kit that is fabric and has clear pockets where you put the cards. I would look at that on their website and make something like it because probably doing your own punching and finding little pegs would be a pain especially with 6 kids.


It would be easy if you sew but otherwise probably something you could rig up with clear pockets. If you figure out a system with pockets or another way to move the cards around it would work pretty much the same. I also find their system of reward cards, bonus bucks and best behavior cards very useful. They have a video on the website as well that pretty much covers it. I also made a category of cards for school, so we have Morning, School, Afternoon, and Evening chores, each set of which they earn a reward card for that I let them have 1/2 hour of screen time for.

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