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Quick HELP: Wii Mario Party 8 vs. Mario Party

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There have been LOTS of Mario Party games, and the newest is Mario Party 8. I think MP8 is the first one that was made exclusively for the Wii; I know our older ones (up to Mario Party 7) were GameCube games. (You can also get Mario Party games for the DS, but they are quite different than the Wii version.)


If you can get Mario Party 8 at a decent price, it's well worth getting!



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Thank you, Cat. I'm a little miffed at my in-laws right now. :glare: Every year they send money for us to get gifts for the kids from them. It usually stressed me out because I don't know how much they're sending until 2 days before Christmas and I can't stand the mall crowds. So last year and this year I pre-bought all the kids gifts (things they'd love) and let the in-laws choose from those for whatever adds up to the amount they sent. TODAY I get an email with them saying to buy dd Mario Party. She already has Mario Party 8. I'm telling them she wanted Mario Galaxy 2, and so that is what I got her, if they'd like to give it to her, that is great. No, they say they want us to go get Mario Party. So now she has Mario Party 8, will be getting Mario Party from them unless I can change their minds which makes a big stink, but all she really wants is Mario Galaxy 2 which now nobody is going to give her and it's sitting right here! UGH!!!!


Why didn't they tell me this last month!!!!!!

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I am confused. Are you (is she) talking about the Mario Party that came out in 1999 or so? If so that was for the Nintendo 64, and it was a cartridge. The only way you can get that for the Wii is to download it using a Wii Points card.


I would tell her that she already has that game (MP8) and give her Mario Galaxy 2.


ETA: Nevermind, I type too slow. :)

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I bought Wii Party for ds for Christmas, so I don't know yet if it's any good -- but the reviews have been positive.


Ds already has Mario Galaxy 2 and played it quite a bit when he first got it, but doesn't seem to get it out to play it very often any more.


BUT... if your in-laws really want her to have Wii Party, I guess you're stuck... unless you want to get sneaky about it and tell them you gave it to her and she exchanged it for the Mario Galaxy 2 game she really wanted.


Can you give her both games?



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I am confused. Are you (is she) talking about the Mario Party that came out in 1999 or so? If so that was for the Nintendo 64, and it was a cartridge. The only way you can get that for the Wii is to download it using a Wii Points card.


I would tell her that she already has that game (MP8) and give her Mario Galaxy 2.


ETA: Nevermind, I type too slow. :)

That what was I was thinking? Wii points downloadable game?


Could the OP simply accept the game -- keep it wrapped -- and exchange it for a game ds likes?

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I am confused. Are you (is she) talking about the Mario Party that came out in 1999 or so? If so that was for the Nintendo 64, and it was a cartridge. The only way you can get that for the Wii is to download it using a Wii Points card.


I would tell her that she already has that game (MP8) and give her Mario Galaxy 2.


ETA: Nevermind, I type too slow. :)

Sorry for making it confusing! It was my mistake in the first post. Nintinto just released a new game in Oct 2010 called Wii Party http://wiiparty.nintendo.com/ so that is what they want to get her. The rest remains the same: she wants Mario Galaxy 2 which we bought, and she has Mario Party 8. So I guess my original question was how are Mario Party 8 and Wii Party different? But nevermind LOL, because I think... (below)


I bought Wii Party for ds for Christmas, so I don't know yet if it's any good -- but the reviews have been positive.


Ds already has Mario Galaxy 2 and played it quite a bit when he first got it, but doesn't seem to get it out to play it very often any more.


BUT... if your in-laws really want her to have Wii Party, I guess you're stuck... unless you want to get sneaky about it and tell them you gave it to her and she exchanged it for the Mario Galaxy 2 game she really wanted.


Can you give her both games?



.... I think I can't give her both games. It puts us out too much $. I'll have no choice but to exchange the one we have (the one she wants) for the one they want to get her. :glare:

That what was I was thinking? Wii points downloadable game?


Could the OP simply accept the game -- keep it wrapped -- and exchange it for a game ds likes?

Yes, I think I have no choice. It really bothers me though! grrr...


Thank you all for your help, and I'm sorry it turned into a little rant. Christmas should not be about all this blech stuff, so I'm going to let it go. After I go for a run and punch some pillows...

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Can you exchange it, but get a gift receipt, so if she *really* isn't happy w/the Wii Party, she can exchange it for Mario Galaxy 2? I know that's kind of redundant, but it's an option. Why are your IL's so set on Wii Party, out of curiosity?


That is a wonderful idea! Redundant, yes, and a waste of my time, but in this case I don't think I have a choice. If we lived near them, they'd get what they want to get, so I have to honour that. I'll quote his email:




Galaxy 2 is a solo player game.. so it would be just (her) playing alone.

Wii Party can be played by all of you as a group.. a family game, like one person hides the controller (while the rest are out of the room), then when everyone comes back into the room, it's a mad scramble to find the hidden controller before time is up.

that's just my 2 cents worth, I'd like to get her something that she doesn't have to play alone.





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Well, their reasoning makes sense and it's a nice thought, so I'll give them credit for that, but if your dd prefers the Mario game, I'm surprised they don't want to be the ones to get it for her.


OTOH, it doesn't sound like they absolutely said no to the Mario game, just that they would prefer to get her something that she doesn't have to play alone.


Perhaps you could let your dd watch some of the YouTube videos on Wii Party and see if it looks like fun to her. There's probably a video clip at Amazon, as well. If she really doesn't want it, you can send one last ditch email, explaining that you showed her a bunch of Wii games online, and the only one she liked was the Mario game (along with a few reasons why she doesn't want Wii Party... preferably including a tiny little white lie about how she played it at a friend's house this afternoon and didn't enjoy it... ;))


Not that I'm condoning lying.


But just this one time... for a worthy cause... :D



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