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Another Video Text question: do they give Algebra review in the geometry course?

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I am very interested in using VT Algebra for my dd, who is about to finish Singapore 6B. I predict that she'll finish all of the Algebra modules over two years (7th and 8th grade), then do all the Geometry, which will likely take another two years (9th and 10th). My concern is that she'll forget some of her Algebra during the two years she does Geometry, and she won't remember it for her PSAT in 11th grade.


I know she'll use some Algebra in her Geometry/Trig, but there will be some concepts that are purely Algebra. Should I just plan on doing something like "Key to Algebra" for review after VT Geometry?


Am I missing something? Am I worried about nothing?



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I have the first three Geometry modules, but my son won't start the course until next year, so I haven't heard the lectures. However, in the tables of contents for the first three modules, there does not appear to be any significant Algebra review.


I will be watching this thread with interest to see what others suggest. Personally, I'm leaning toward using ALEKS periodically during the year.



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There's not much specific review that I've seen in the first 4 modules of VT Geometry/Trig, however there is a small amount of incidental overlap. I don't know what's in the last two modules, though, and am keeping my fingers crossed that the last two G/T modules will be published soon.


What is important about a VT algebra and geometry combination is that a student needs to achieve a good understanding of the basic properties of arithmetic taught fairly early in VT algebra; they're briefly reviewed and used for the geometry proofs.


I believe that the VT author suggests that you repeat the Algebra exams occasionally as a review for PSAT, etc. We're doing that and using Chalkdust SAT prep.




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