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Son's first fencing tournament... proud mom

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DS had his first fencing tournament this past weekend and came in third place. He has been fencing since last winter, and I am so proud of his hard work! He was a little pensive but did a really great job. He was the youngest, least experienced sabreur there and is learning so much from his elders.

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He only competes about 4x/year - not because we wouldn't like him to compete more, but because almost all of the tournaments around here fall on Sunday mornings and we are church-go'ers. He has the opportunity to compete about once a month, and yes, there is a bit of traveling involved...but usually not more than 2 hours one way.

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That sounds reasonable. I know there are some people at Colin's academy that travel extensively, and I don't know that I am ready for that. Do you find that the competition is good for their morale? His instructors have cautioned me about him beginning to do too much being so new/young in terms of having a competitive edge. I think they can learn as much/more from not winning but want him to have a chance to win as well. If you don't mind sharing, what has been your experience?

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Mine does foil.

But, she's found a local medieval sword class in our neighborhood and I think she wants to check it out. :)

Her dad does a few different martial arts, so I'm kind of wondering if she loves fencing or if it's an overall love of sword arts..


That class sounds neat! Colin would be so jealous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just seeing this now, so sorry for the late reply!!


My son is not naturally competitive, so I think it has been good for him. He is a very laid-back personality, so I like the fact that the competitions force him to work hard and do the best he can. He usually competes with older kids, and has never done better than 4th place - here in SoCal the tournaments are usually pretty large. They have been very character-building for him. He is one of those people who can do well at a lot of things without much effort, so I like the fact that he really has to work incredibly hard to even come in top ten. It's very good for him :-)

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