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Feeling blue

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I've been in a low-grade funk and I need to get out of it.


Dh is away, the baby is into everything, my dd is getting a little bratty again and I've been so busy getting ready for xmas that I've been sleeping about 5 hours a night, not doing any of my own fun stuff (running, working out, reading). Dh comes home on the weekend so change is on its way, but I don't want to be crabby until he gets here.


I need to turn this around.


I've been spending too much time on the computer, shopping, making my photo books, etc and not connecting with my wonderful kids. My kids are under my skin, which means I'm crabby with them, which means they are acting out a little, which means I'm crabbier. And so it goes.


I don't have time for a warm bath and some candles. I just want to get everything done. I wanted Christmas all in the bag when Dh gets home--even the wrapping--so we could just enjoy having him here (he leaves again 1/12.)


The gloomy, cold, rainy day today didn't help.


Thanks for listening.;)

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You need something to look forward to! Here is how it works :) :


Take some time to play with kids or occupy them. Don't worry what does not get done right now. Kids will be happier and so will you.


THEN...tonight when everyone is asleep, you pick a movie to watch and make yourself a large cup of hot chocolate, tea, whatever makes you smile.

If movies are not your thing, grab a book and lean back in that recliner - way back!


Enjoy listening to the rain/snow falling on the roof. Get that fire stoked in the wood stove or fireplace - if you have none, smile and congratulate yourself that you don't have to clean up the mess a woodstove brings with ashes and whatnot. :001_smile:


Well, I hope it works for you. Creating something that I know I can enjoy very soon - as in a couple of hours - always lifts my spirits and helps me get through the moment.


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I know this probably sounds really dumb, but whenever I am feeling that way I clean one room. I get it super clean and organized, and I feel more under control after that. Usually by the time I start feeling that way the house has completely fallen apart, so it's good therapy to have just one clean room. If you dread the thought just start with ONE drawer or ONE load of laundry. Then do one more...


Hope it helps! We've all been there and we all will be again. I bet there's a lot of ladies on this board right now who are feeling frazzled and worn out (I am on the computer right now because I am just dreading the thought of cleaning up tonight's dinner dishes after such a long day, LOL). You're not alone!


Make a list of all those things you said you have to get done- the act of crossing them off the list might help you feel a bit better.


Now, I'd better go do the dishes so they're not sitting there staring me in the face when I get up in the morning- that is just a depressing sight!


P.S. Is there any way you can get that run in? I always get depressed if I go more than three or four days without running. I think it does something to your brain...

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I'm sorry. I agree you should just stop all unnecessary things and do something fun with the kids. They'll be happy to have your attention, you won't feel guilty about not providing it, and that should put you all in a better mood instantly.


When the kids go to bed, take time for yourself. Read. Forget about trying to have everything done before your husband gets home- let him help you with the wrapping when he gets back, do it together while the kids are in bed and you listen to some music, have some wine if that's your thing.


Hang in there! Things will get better! We all have days like this.

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Thank you. I did watch a movie--Duchess--while I edited photo, toggling between screens. I uploaded everything I need onto shutterfly and tomorrow and Tuesday I make the book. Free shipping deadline is 12/16 so I just might make it.


These books are worth the effort.


Sitting by the lit Christmas tree listening to the rain (we had thunder earlier). As Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day.


Thanks again for being here. Life can be weird sometimes. But we all know these funks end. We just need reminding sometimes.

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