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need to vent

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Need to vent - we took ds 8 to the x-mas make a present for your parent and dinner tonight. My dh and I decided that this year we would help not just drop our ds off for 2 hours(which is why we did not do it last year - we are not keen at droping him off) Anyway back to my gripe - on the way home our ds told us that while he was laying and watching the movie the boy in the gray shirt told him I hate you and everyone at my school hates you - I would like to beat you up. Okay my son got up and moved. Ugg I just don't understand why children have to be so mean :confused:


Now mind you I was sitting in the same room and saw my son get up and move, but did not think anything about it.


We just told him he did the right thing by moving away. Then he wanted to know what should he have done if the boy would have hit him?? Ugg do you tell them to hit back??? We have never taught him to fight. Do we teach him? :glare:



It just makes me mad that children have to bully. And I am at loss as to how to teach our ds at how to respond. :001_huh:


Thanks for reading my rant!! :D



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Need to vent - we took ds 8 to the x-mas make a present for your parent and dinner tonight. My dh and I decided that this year we would help not just drop our ds off for 2 hours(which is why we did not do it last year - we are not keen at droping him off) Anyway back to my gripe - on the way home our ds told us that while he was laying and watching the movie the boy in the gray shirt told him I hate you and everyone at my school hates you - I would like to beat you up. Okay my son got up and moved. Ugg I just don't understand why children have to be so mean :confused:


Now mind you I was sitting in the same room and saw my son get up and move, but did not think anything about it.


We just told him he did the right thing by moving away. Then he wanted to know what should he have done if the boy would have hit him?? Ugg do you tell them to hit back??? We have never taught him to fight. Do we teach him? :glare:



It just makes me mad that children have to bully. And I am at loss as to how to teach our ds at how to respond. :001_huh:


Thanks for reading my rant!! :D




Sorry that happened, your son did the right thing. I'm not much help, I don't know what I would tell mine to do if someone hit him. I'm still trying to figure out how my 11yo is going to handle the boy at church who wants to tell him dirty jokes. :tongue_smilie:

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I would assume that something like is a big group activity where there are a lot of people in the room? Including chaperones of some kind? It's usually easier to get away with saying something mean in that kind of situation than to actually hit someone. And if someone did hit him, all he would have to do is to say "Ow, why'd you hit me?" really loudly or go talk to someone in charge.

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My opinion on being hit is that if the person hits and retreats, then my dc should report it to an authority. IMO hitting back someone who is not actively hitting you is retaliation. If the person hits them and continues to hit them, my dc have my permission to hit them back in order to defend themselves and make the other person stop. I've also instructed them to say to the person who just hit them "You better not hit me again or I will hurt you." My dc have several years of martial arts training and I'm pretty sure the person attacking them is not going to like what happens next if my boys defend themselves. But basically, if there is an adult nearby, I want my dc to let them handle it. If not, my dc are to handle it in the way I have described.

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