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Reading/Phonics program

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Hello. My dd is 6 and doing mostly late first grade/early second grade work. She is a very good reader and was reading chapter books by the last 2 months or so of kindergarten (public school. She was bringing home Cam Jansen, etc.) We use Spelling Workout 1, which we just finished, First Language Lessons, and SOTW 1. For reading I just have her read whatever we are working on. She reads and follows the directions for spelling and she reads the SOTW passages rather than me reading them to her. We still do a lot of reading out loud to her as well. Do I need a separate phonics program? I'm worried about her missing something and struggling later. (She reads SOTW with minimal help, and her comprehension of what she reads is pretty good. It's rare that I have to prompt her with questions to do her narrations).Thanks!

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Hello. My dd is 6 and doing mostly late first grade/early second grade work. She is a very good reader and was reading chapter books by the last 2 months or so of kindergarten (public school. She was bringing home Cam Jansen, etc.) We use Spelling Workout 1, which we just finished, First Language Lessons, and SOTW 1. For reading I just have her read whatever we are working on. She reads and follows the directions for spelling and she reads the SOTW passages rather than me reading them to her. We still do a lot of reading out loud to her as well. Do I need a separate phonics program? I'm worried about her missing something and struggling later. (She reads SOTW with minimal help, and her comprehension of what she reads is pretty good. It's rare that I have to prompt her with questions to do her narrations).Thanks!


Sounds like she's doing great! I agree that a spelling program will work to gel her phonics. If Spelling Workout is working for you, I'd continue with that. If not, there's multitudes of good spelling programs. Although I don't use it, I was impressed with Phonics Pathways as a spelling program. It's very phonics intensive and cheap.




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I dropped ds's phonics program in first grade. Like your dd, he just didn't need it anymore. He still gets review in his spelling and LA program. I just didn't see the point of continuing to spend time on a subject he obviously grasped. A year and a half later and he is still a strong reader and speller.

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