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What Is Wrong With Me?

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Ok, this is just flat out bizarre.


I'm craving chocolate the last few days.


I'm not, have never been, a lust-for-chocolate kind of person. But I asked Wolf to bring home Turtles ice cream the other day. I *needed* it. :001_huh:


And, this am, I was hit with another need-chocolate craving.


I'm thinking PMS?


I'm also thinking of dragging everyone to the corner store so I can satisfy this craving. Or to the mall, so I can grab a box of Turtles or other chocolate. Paint too. And boots for Diva. *sigh*


I can't be pregnant. Well...I *could*, technically, but I'm going under general anesthetic tomorrow, and will be on pain meds after. More than usual, I mean. So I 'cant' be pregnant.




I just don't have the energy for the mall...

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I'm thinking your body is knowing what is coming tomorrow with your dental work. You do know that your calcium levels are going to be attacked, right? Any time teeth are pulled it exposes your jaw to lose calcium and other info that I can't recall at the moment. Anyhoo, I think on some level your body is trying to get you to consume calcium, much like some pregnant women crave ice-cream, chalk, soil, etc., it's usually due to a lack of something in the diet.

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Copying and pasting the info I have here.



Chocolate is the highest in magnesium of all foods.

When I increased magnesium in my patients who craved chocolate, their cravings left.

Craving chocolate can be a sign of a calcium/magnesium imbalance. It could be mean that you're getting too much calcium and not enough magnesium. Most women need 500-600 mg a day EACH of supplemental calcium and magnesium. The rest we get from a healthy diet. But we're being told to take 1500 mg of calcium and half as much magnesium. This isn't enough magnesium and our chocolate craving tells us so.

Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is often overshadowed by its partner, calcium. Magnesium helps all muscles relax. It helps carry calcium into the bones. And magnesium, found in nuts, seeds, and legumes (beans) in abundance, is excreted in higher-than-usual quantities when you're under stress. This is why so many women crave chocolate before menstruation, a time when magnesium levels are lower from physiological stress. When magnesium is increased, chocolate cravings decrease.

Too much calcium and not enough magnesium can lead to brittle bones and heart disease. If you're a chocoholic you may want to decrease your calcium to 500 mg in your supplement, limit dairy products, and increase your magnesium supplement to bowel tolerance (comfortably loose stools)."


Certain types of calcium and magnesium are not as effective as others. If you need more details, let me know.

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