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Can anyone compare LLATL with K12 LA for (1st - 3rd grade)???


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I'm looking at both Learning Language ARt through Literature and LA for k12. I know k12 LA and have been pleased with it but I'm hearing so much about llatl that I have to find out more about it for next year which is 2nd grade.

Thanks for your help.


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I can say that they are 2 entirely different programs. You are talking about the K12 curriculum's LA, correct? I'll tell you that what I did NOT like about K12's LA program was how it was set up. It was much more difficult to "navigate" the lessons than LLATL. Both have spelling, grammar, reading, phonics all in one "book". BUT, LLATL is laid out so much more clearly and better organized, IMO. I found it difficult to teach K12's 2nd gr. LA although it was a very thorough program.


We are using LLATL Red (2nd gr.) this year (just started) and I just LOVE how easy it is to teach and implement. My ds6 (who hates everything about school) even likes it! Lessons only take 15-20 minutes to complete each day. Open and go. K12 wasn't as open and go. I remember spending a great bit of time trying organize the lessons in K12's LA before hand.


Both are good programs. I just like the simplicity of LLATL. HTH

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I have used K12's LA for grades 1, 3, 4, and 5. I personally feel it is a very open-and-go type of program in the sense that it doesn't require preparation time. It is, however, separated into several different manuals and student workbooks.


I have not used LLATL, but looked at it several times. The reason I continued with K12 was the LLATL seemed so light. I think it is a gentle program, which is great if that is what you are looking for. K12 is a far more rigorous, and time-consuming, program. LLATL has all the subject integrated, which is very convenient.


So it really boils down to, what are you looking for? Do you want gentle or intense? Do you want Christian content (LLATL) or do you need secular materials (K12)? I think both programs are great at offering exactly what they set out to offer, and I'm not sure you could go wrong either way.

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