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It's official!!!!


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My dd has Sensory Processing Disorder! She is a sensory seeker along with what was hinted as ODD, and other behavior disorders. But the the OT knew right away that she was a classic sensory seeker! I was right and everything I have done to research and get her evaluated was right, I am not a bad mother! So the OT is going to work on some behavior and modulation issues. She is going to give us ideas of ways to keep her in check regarding her behavior (hallelujah!) and we now have something official to tell people about why she does what she does!


I know for many this would not be so exciting but I have been searching for what is going on for a year now so to have an answer other than I suck as a mom and to know that there are things we can do to help makes me so happy and excited.


Thanks to everyone on this board that has been able to help and answer my questions!

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Personally, I wouldn't necessarily tell everyone about it. Sure talk about it here. But in the outside world your reception might be a bit different. People don't know what all these terms mean, so then you have to explain stuff and deal with their uninformed impression of you. If she does something that needs explanation, I would just say yeah, we know we have an issue and are doing therapy for it.


But major congrats on your validation! Does feel good, eh? And yes, I was so tired of the you're a bad mother routine. I'm really glad to be to the other side where I have a REASON for things.

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