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Tell me that I'm making the right decision...or not..lol

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I feel for your dd, and understand how hard it's been for her, and you having to watch her go through all of this.:grouphug: But..... based on what you've said about the other members of the coop, especially your friend (the mom of the other girl helping to bully your dd), I am wondering why you would want to continue to be part of that group anyway? If they didn't see a huge problem with it, ie, "kids will be kids", "let them work it out themselves", why sticke with it, even with the bully gone?


Just my 2 cents.:001_smile:

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I feel for your dd, and understand how hard it's been for her, and you having to watch her go through all of this.:grouphug: But..... based on what you've said about the other members of the coop, especially your friend (the mom of the other girl helping to bully your dd), I am wondering why you would want to continue to be part of that group anyway? If they didn't see a huge problem with it, ie, "kids will be kids", "let them work it out themselves", why sticke with it, even with the bully gone?


Just my 2 cents.:001_smile:


The reason I want to try to stick it out is that the reality is that my daughter is friends with the the girl and her sister...AND...they are only living here for less that 6 more months. They are coasties and will be moving in May. As long as things are ok, I'll continue to go. The minute things are not...we are gone.


My daughter was sad when she heard that this boy decided to leave instead. She said that he should stay and she'll just see everybody else outside of the group. I am so proud of her for being the bigger person here.

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I'd quit the co-op without a second glance.


I'd find another social outlet.


No way would I tolerate that kind of behavior towards my children.


:iagree: I think any mom who stands by and lets her kids behave that badly is not great at all:( It is shocking to me that they did not intervene to stop their kids from being mean to your dd.

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