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Sonlight readers for gr. 3 & up - study guides are not sold separately ?


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If you haven't read the books how does the narration work for you? My middle son has done really well with the SL readers - having the short summary of the book and the questions for each chapter help me to check his understanding without having to actually read the books for myself.

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We've been reading through the core 3 readers this year mainly as free reading. The thing I miss most about not having the guide is what order to read the books in. I've had to use other resources to determine the proper historical order of the books. I decided to go ahead and purchase an inexpensive, used IG for next year mainly to have the books organized in the proper order. However, I will also enjoy having the comprehension question suggestions as well as the chapter summaries on hand if I choose to use them.

Edited by Dawn E
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If you haven't read the books how does the narration work for you? My middle son has done really well with the SL readers - having the short summary of the book and the questions for each chapter help me to check his understanding without having to actually read the books for myself.


I try to read them but I don't always get to all of them. I ask my child to tell me what's happening in the book and they do. If something doesn't make sense, I start asking questions. If they can't answer my questions, we go to the book together and find the answer. My son especially enjoys if I haven't read a book because he ramps up his story telling to the "cliff-hanger," just to see my reaction to having to wait until tomorrow for the next segment.


Whenever I've looked at the SL reader guides, they seem to ask questions about details (sometimes obscure details), but not questions of any depth about what's happening or why or how the characters will be affected etc... I found the summaries so short that they just were not helpful to me in discussing the book. Just our experience! Merry :-)

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Guest TheBugsMom


Whenever I've looked at the SL reader guides, they seem to ask questions about details (sometimes obscure details), but not questions of any depth about what's happening or why or how the characters will be affected etc... I found the summaries so short that they just were not helpful to me in discussing the book. Just our experience! Merry :-)



I tried using the IG notes and questions for the first core we used and promptly stopped after week 1. I found I could ask better questions that lead to better discussion then the books.


If you want a schedule for the order of books, I would do what another poster said and purchase a used copy of the IG.

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