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Solidarity with the unemployed

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I didn't read the whole thread, so this might have been mentioned. My dh is a mechanic. He was laid off last year for a few months. During that time, he started a side business. It was an HUGE help to have our many homeschool friends come to him for their auto repairs. Now, he is happily employed with the state, but we still have lots of repeat customers who were happy with his work and happy he charged way less than a typical repair shop. I realize that not all unemployed have a skill they can use as a side job, but if they do - I would support them and bring your business to them.


ETA - we also did this with a friend's dh. He is an electrician. When we needed electric work, he was the first one we called. He had been out of work for some time. Every little bit helps!

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That's a great idea! I have no problem buying used toys at all - makes more sense to me! I am very blessed that I have dc that don't expect alot, so there won't be any big disappointment. When we were talking to the kids about Christmas and dh said something about not having anything here for them, the 12yo said, "But we'll still have lasagna for Christmas Eve, right?!?!":lol: Cracked me up! They'll get stuff from extended family anyway. We're planning to really play Advent up this year and to make a lot of stuff together.


If nothing else, being broke has taught us that traditions and memories are WAY more important than a toy that will break in 3 days that they won't remember 2 months later. We have Christmas dishes that get used from Thanksgiving to Epiphany. They always get sugary, namebrand cereal for Christmas morning (someone here gave me that idea a couple of years ago.) We'll go see Christmas lights and the Christmas Bethlehem a local church puts on every year.


Some day it won't be like this, but the traditions will live on regardless. So, I'm able to admit, 2 years or so into this, that there have been benefits to all the trouble.:D

I'm hoping to get the kids (and everyone else) down to church for the Christmas Eve candlight service. I took part last year and was so moved. It's really just beautiful to share that holiday with my church family.


We've gotten much better at making presents, but the biggest thing I've learned is that we (dh and I) put more emphasis on the gifts than the kids do. One absolutely perfect for them gift is better than a dumptruck work of stuff they aren't that interested in.


I was wondering... do you think the hive could pull off a Christmas toy swap? I know not everyone likes the idea of giving used toys, but for people that are really hard up this year, that could be a HUGE help. Something like, post what you have to send out and whomever is buying pays shipping and little to nothing else. It may work. Everyone here surprises me time and again with the goodness of their hearts, spirits and the closeness of this community of people that haven't met (for the most part) irl.


Maybe a Christmas club (or whatever those little groups are called) would be better? It's a thought :p If anyone's interested.

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