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Something similar to Reading Eggs?


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A friend recommended the website Reading Eggs to us and how much their children loved it. There is a 2 week free trial so we signed up for it.


I do like that it has a pretest so it doesn't start them on material that is too easy and she loves that you earn golden eggs, that you build a little world and advance through levels and all of that stuff.


The problem is that it is too repetitious. It really annoys her since she is a very quick learner. It would be one thing if it checked her knowledge of the topic again later or in a different form but when you do one activity it has you do the same activity over and over before moving to the next game. For example one of the activities is to click on the word, "and" and every time she does it does a little animation. Well it has her do this 6 times or so before it moves on to the next game and it is like that with every activity. If you are kicking a soccer into the goal and they tell you to choose the word "it", then she has to kick the ball into the goal "it" 5 or 6 times before moving on, etc.


She loves the concept of the game and the games itself but get really annoyed by doing the same thing over and over. Does anyone know of a similar fun reading game that reinforces what they're learning in a fun way? She loves to play on the computer and I'd rather her play something educational.


I'd prefer a game that has a free trial of some sort.


If you have a child that needs a lot of repetition your child would love this game. My daughter is a very quick learner so stuff like that irritates her. If you want to check it out yourself just sign up and make an account for yourself. I set up my own profile and played with it awhile and had it start me on their furthest level for starters by answering the pretest questions all correctly and I found it annoying for all the repetition as well.




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We liked Headsprout. There are a few sample episodes on the website - you might try it out.


It's a bit pricey, but it was worth it for us.


There were a few games that DS didn't like, but for the most part, once he was playing - it was a hit.



Thanks! We will give the trial a try. :)


Anyone else? She keeps trying to play this game because she wants to like it but it drives her bonkers. There was a game where seagulls were flying by clutching birds and she was supposed to click on the word "good", which was fine. But she had to click on 20 of them before that game was over and the birds flew slow. She was so irritated. I wish they had an advanced version of this game that proceeded a bit faster and had less repetition.

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The levels get more and more difficult as you go. I don't remember what map DD is on presently but she needs to read full sentences now. If you want to try and stick it out the 2 week trial didn't give us enough time to get to the challenging levels. I limit computer time or DD gets a laptop hangover. :ack2:

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