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Washing sheepskin?

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My boys each have an unshorn sheepskin for their beds which I need to get out now with the cold weather. They need a good washing first though. The sheepskins, not the boys. ;) Apparently I can throw them in the washing machine on gentle? With wool wash? Really? The lanolin won't hurt the machine? The machine won't hurt the sheepskin? And is my dog's slicker brush basically the same as the sheepskin brush? Anyone do this?


I got my info here: http://www.sheepskin.com/sheepskincare.asp.



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I wash my small ones... and I've washed larger wool covers for the bed. You want it to be with wool wash.. The wool wash that starts with the "e" doesn't have to be rinsed out... You want to be gentle with is during the "drying" period... and gently... ever so gently... "stretch" it out a bit.... (be careful though.. you can push your finger through it...)



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Ack! I don't want to ruin them! I'm not 100% sure about the tanning. The label, which is long gone, said to dry clean. I really don't want my babies lying on and breathing in drycleaning chemicals all night. Should I just try to spot handwash it in the bathtub?


Yep, the black wool comments made me giggle too.

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I had a black sheepskin rug that the cats peed on once. I took it to the dry cleaners and they told me that not only could they not dry clean it but that I couldn't wash it either. I lost a leather coat and a pair of suede boots that way as well. All of my cats are perfect box trained and can go all night without an accident if they have accidently been shut in a room or closet but they will invariably pee on any natural animal skin product that has been left laying on the floor. I have no idea why but I am super cautious with anything like that now.

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