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MFW Kindergarten ?


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I used it and I thought that it was great. Then again my daughter was 4 when she did it, so it was on her level. The thing that I liked about it the most is that it did not force her to move at a very very fast pace. I see curriculum that teach a lesson and move on fast and it never really gives the chance for it to sink in...reminds me of public school.


If its moving too fast for your child, I say slow it down!

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I guess it depends on what your child already knows coming into MFW K and their learning style as well.


DS4 is doing MFW K, and it moves at just the right pace. He knew letters and most letter sounds already, so much has been a review for him, but that's fine, cuz he's four. He picks up pretty quickly.


By lesson 6, they are starting to practice blending sounds.


I mean, that is pretty fast from what I have seen in other curriculums. If this was your child's first exposure to letter sounds, that means they have only learned six sounds before they starting blending those six sounds. Each lesson adds another letter sound and more blending.

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Hi, we're about a third of the way through MFW K. I have a 5 yro who turned 5 in the spring. My daughter has a very unusual personality and I was worried about what kind of curriculum would work for her. I'm pretty sure if I would have sent her to public school, we'd be getting some phone calls on a daily basis. :glare: When she was in preschool, the school told me that she was showing early signs of ADHD behavior.


Anyway, MFW K is pretty slow and light, but my daughter loves it. She'll grab the box and drag it over to me, asking to "do school". It probably takes about half an hour to get through a lesson. The phonics feels monotonous to me, but listening to them read the HOP books seems pretty darn monotonous too. :D There are some phonics games, like Bingo...flashcards, etc... My daughter really liked the Creation Lesson in the very beginning. I've added in some games, like we play Memory and Dominos.


The science is FUN! We made a sundial, we've read about sea creatures, we did a leaf project, we did experiments with water (evaporation/freezing), we went out and watched clouds, etc. You get the idea. There are also recommended readings in the lessons, so you can get a story book from the library that corresponds with the subject of the lesson.


So, it's November almost...the 5 yro is reading already. She can sound out any 3-4 letter words and she knows a few sight words: the, like, see, a, we...


Anyway, we like it... I think it's probably perfect for kids who are on the young side of Kindergarten (like mine) and kids who need a unit study approach to school. My 3rd grader (the Perfect Paula) probably would have rolled her eyes at it, but our 5 yro (who probably fits into the Social Sue category) really enjoys it.


Hope my review helps you!

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