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Questions about Ambleside Online?

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Does anyone here use ambleside online? I was just wondering if any of this is good for the high school level. My mom may be considering it, but not too much like reading and bible. Any suggestions will help!


I used it for a bit and just didn't like it.

If you can't buy the books, it is a lot harder.


I can only take books from my library for a max of 5 weeks, and that is only if I am able to renew. Ambleside's schedule uses a 12 weeks format for each book.


I had a lot of trouble keeping up, taking the books out at the right time, etc.


If you could buy the books though, I feel it would be a wonderful curriculum. Some of the books are online, but not all.


I couldn't stand to sit there reading online though. I like the feel of a real book.


That's just me though. If you can overlook taking them out from the library or if you could buy them, I think it would be a good thing.


Just my .02.

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We love it here. I think we use AO at about 75%. We removed all the religious books and if we don't like any other books, we just don't use them. I love the AO schedules for poets, nature, composer, & art study and we try and do these at least once a week. The Book of Centuries, nature walks/journaling, and foreign language we do more infrequently (maybe about twice a month). I don't sweat it. The books we do use are fabulous and ds loves them - and he loves the whole CM method. I'm all for making things your own.


We're still in the elementary years, but from what I've read it's an excellent high school program. The AO "Years" are advanced and from what I've read, Years 10 & 11 are college level. Read as much as you can on the AO website. It lays out how to do it all with tips and advice and great ideas.

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