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combining MEP and MM


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i'm sure this has been asked and I've been reading all the threads about combining the math programs. But here goes anyway.


I use MM as our spine. My kids are in light blue books - 2A/B, 3A/B, 4A/B

the older kids are working pretty quickly through 3 and 4 mostly for review purposes as they are both 5 and 6th graders but were WAAAAY behind math wise. I'm hoping we could move closer to where they "belong" by the end of the school year (whenever that will be). It's kinda killing my son's self-esteem only being two levels ahead of his 8 yo sister, no matter what I say to him.

Anyway, where do you start in MEP? I was looking through the different levels and although they sort of seem the same, in some ways they don't.


When do they introduce division? It seems like division is in the level 3 books when I haven't seen division introduced yet in MM in books 3 or 4.


I'd like to start to supplement with MEP but I just don't know where to put each kid.


Thanks for any and all advice.

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I know this wasn't your specific question, but for your older kids working below grade level, I would suggest using the MM dark blue non-graded series rather than the light blue graded series in the future. Division 1 -2 would take you from a pleasant 3rd grade intro to a 5th/6th grade mastery of long division. Same with Fractions 1-2 which starts off at a 1st/2nd grade and moves along to work that is appropriate for 6th grade. If you remediated based on specific skills rather than grade level, you might find it'll get your kids where you want them to be faster - because you can skip things they already know (and there won't be the sense that they are 'behind').

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When do they introduce division? It seems like division is in the level 3 books when I haven't seen division introduced yet in MM in books 3 or 4.




MM 3B chapter 9

MM 4B chapter 5


In our experience, MM 4 works nicely with MEP 3 and MM 3 works fairly well with MEP 2. The scope and sequence is so different for MEP from traditional programs that you really can't line it up perfectly with other programs. You'll find that it's always ahead in some areas and behind in others. I agree with the person who said to do the Blue Series from MM, not the Light Blue series. Just order the divison workbooks if that's what they need to work on. It sounds like you have already purchased the Light Blue series though, so maybe just print out the chapters from each grade level that pertain to the areas they need to work on. Or try having them work through the cumulative reviews until you find the gaps. Or give them the chapter tests and only do the chapters that they haven't mastered. Don't you love options! :D

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I'm using MEP this year, and supplementing with MM. My 8 year old is in Year 1 and my 10 and 13 year old dds are in Year 2. Yes, especially my oldest is behind in math. But she told me she felt that she learned more in 2 weeks of MEP than she has previously, and they all love it. But I do want her to move more quickly to where she should be so we are also working through Multiplication 1. My plan is to do MEP 3 times a week, and MM 2 times a week.

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