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need ideas please....

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My husband's birthday is coming up in a month and this year I thought I would do something different than buy him something he doesn't need or want...and when I ask him what he wants for his birthday he ALWAYS replies that he already has everything he wants. So, I thought it would be neat to have the kids each give him something he could do WITH the kids. I have a 10 year old daughter, and two sons ages 8 and 6. So any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated.





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going out for ice cream


hmm... I can't really think of anything else. My dh would love it because there is a place that sells dipped cones and it's a rare treat for us to stop there.


Does he like outdoorsy stuff, staying at home, does he play games?

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My husband's birthday is coming up in a month and this year I thought I would do something different than buy him something he doesn't need or want...and when I ask him what he wants for his birthday he ALWAYS replies that he already has everything he wants. So, I thought it would be neat to have the kids each give him something he could do WITH the kids. I have a 10 year old daughter, and two sons ages 8 and 6. So any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated.






What are his interests? Does he like driving mini-cars like what you see here: http://www.golfland.com/roseville/attractions.asp or any of these kinds of things? This kind of place is often really fun for all. Miniature golf, water slides, bowling, roller skating, ice skating, white water rafting, rock-wall climbing, etc. If you are near a major city they usually have interesting events and you might look into that--some kind of show, attraction, museum of interest your dh has, etc.


HTH! :001_smile:

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I guess I didn't explain myself very well...where we live there is nothing like mini golfing, go karting or museums to visit...I guess I was thinking of something more like some sort of thing to build and play with. For example, I bought for my boys race cars that are propelled by vinegar and baking soda...but something like that doesn't work very well in Nebraska in November...we usually have snow and it's cold. But something along those lines. Does that help?????

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

One of the best gifts I ever gave DH was tickets to a major league baseball game with ds7 (he was the only one old enough at the time). If your DH likes sports, you could do that. Because it was major league, they were ridiculously expensive (I have such a philosophical problem with that but that's neither here nor there) but minor league stuff could come in under budget.


Other things to do with the kids...


symphony (there are free concerts around here left and right)

ice cream

putt-putt golf and/or go-carts


indoor rock climbing

hikes/picnic/camping at a nearby state park

theater tickets

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This is more than $50. But my husband has been secretly wanting one of these. He says it would be for the kids.





Those are so so cool! I've been wanting one of those for as long as I can remember. We never seem to live where there are big enough trees and/or posts to fix it to.


My dh's bday is coming up, too. I'll be watching for more ideas. :lurk5:

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How about giving your DH the gift of a day that's "all about dad"? It would have to be a day that your husband is off (if he works outside the home). Your kids could be involved in every aspect of it.


Your kids could design a fun "schedule of events" for the day with something like the following:


- Dad's favorite breakfast. They could even design a fun menu to go with it. Served in bed if he enjoys that.

- One hour for dad to relax while the kids do all of his usual chores (or do something around the house that dad would usually have to do)

- Favorite activity of dad's (e.g. go on a hike that he enjoys, play a favorite game of his, etc.)

- Lunch at dad's favorite restaurant (or another favorite lunch served at home)

- Presentation of the "Dad Awards" (your kids could each present your DH with a certificate outlining something they appreciate about him - framed if you want to budget for that)

- Date with mom (if you want to use some of the money for a babysitter and dinner at a restaurant)


I've done variations of this in the past, and it's always been fun - my DH, like yours, never "needs" anything and it's so hard to shop for him. A day like this creates a lot of fun memories and can really make DH/dad feel appreciated... :)

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How about giving your DH the gift of a day that's "all about dad"? It would have to be a day that your husband is off (if he works outside the home). Your kids could be involved in every aspect of it.


Your kids could design a fun "schedule of events" for the day with something like the following:


- Dad's favorite breakfast. They could even design a fun menu to go with it. Served in bed if he enjoys that.

- One hour for dad to relax while the kids do all of his usual chores (or do something around the house that dad would usually have to do)

- Favorite activity of dad's (e.g. go on a hike that he enjoys, play a favorite game of his, etc.)

- Lunch at dad's favorite restaurant (or another favorite lunch served at home)

- Presentation of the "Dad Awards" (your kids could each present your DH with a certificate outlining something they appreciate about him - framed if you want to budget for that)

- Date with mom (if you want to use some of the money for a babysitter and dinner at a restaurant)


I've done variations of this in the past, and it's always been fun - my DH, like yours, never "needs" anything and it's so hard to shop for him. A day like this creates a lot of fun memories and can really make DH/dad feel appreciated... :)


that is nice. I like it. That would fit our family too. thanks.

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