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Has anyone made a "classroom" tree?


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I wound up getting some cool brown paper that was used inside a box for packing material. I remember seeing somewhere (now I can't find it) where someone made a tree trunk using this type of paper and taping it to the wall. I would love to have a tree to add different things to for my ds6 but I'm not coming up with any ideas.


Has anyone made a tree like this? What did you use as leaves/branches?

(I remember someone using their child's arm (tracing it of course..LOL))

But what could I put on the branches? TIA :)


Oh and if anyone has pics, I'd love to see them :D

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I've made trees like that for my classroom when I was a preschool teacher. If you wrinkle or wad up the paper, then flatten it out again and twist it, you can get some pretty realistic looking gnarled-trunk shapes. Branches can be made the same way but by twisting the paper into thinner shapes--you can make some of them extend out from the wall into the room by taping the twisted paper into the shape you want for the branch, then taping the bottom to the trunk and the top to the ceiling. I used several shades of green tissue paper for leaves.

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Oh, thank you!! I wish I had more of it but I think I only have enough for the trunk to go halfway up the wall. I love the branch idea!! I wanted to incorporate a revolving theme for leaves....maybe I could use ABC's and pull a letter down as he gets it down :) (he's struggling with his letters right now).


Thanks again!!!

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When my oldest was a brand new reader, We made a paper tree and put apples on for each book he read himself. For the background and the tree trunk, I used a couple of sheets of colored butcher paper from my local school supply store (they sold it for a few cents a foot from their giant rolls). I just used construction paper for the leaves and apples.

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I made one once back when all my children were in 1st and under. I traced their hands for the leaves. I just drew a tree about 4ft tall, using a big roll of thick paper (dh brought it home from work, they were moving to a new building) then we painted the trunk brown and the fluffy tree part green. I added all the traced hand leaves. It came out pretty nice :D

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I made one once back when all my children were in 1st and under. I traced their hands for the leaves. I just drew a tree about 4ft tall, using a big roll of thick paper (dh brought it home from work, they were moving to a new building) then we painted the trunk brown and the fluffy tree part green. I added all the traced hand leaves. It came out pretty nice :D



How did you make the fluffy green part? :)

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