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Fat counts in food....

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Basically, look at the nutrition label for each ingredient. Figure out how many servings you're using to make the whole dish, and how much fat there is per serving, then multiply to find the total fat for that ingredient. (If you're using, say, flour, the bag might say the number of grams of fat for 1/4 cup; if you're using 2 cups in your recipe you will have to multiply by 8.) Then add up the total amount of fat for all the ingredients. Then divide by the number of servings. This is the difficult part - if you are looking for accurate numbers, you will have to standardize your portions.


So for dinner, if you make stew, you will have to decide if it's 6 or 8 or whatever servings, then divide into that many parts, then serve. It helps to write down the ingredients, calculations, and servings for meals you make often, so you don't have to do it each time.


You may be surprised at what you've been eating!

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I second the suggestion to write the info down, along with what you're considering a serving size. And rather than say eight servings, I either put the servings into weight or cup measurements- hard to tell how many servings are left when it's half gone.

I had to do this when dh had his heart attack in '06, and it was so easy to do since we have favorites we eat over and over. I calculated it once, wrote it by the recipe, and there it is.

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Thanks. and YIKES more work.



I have a child that is on low fat diet-as in 40 grams of fat or less a day.


I'm making my own bread so that was the one I am a bit more curious about. Just about every thing else I do I use low fat stuff now. or no fat stuff.


it has made my life interesting.

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