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Chicago Symphony Orchestra ? re: age

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The CSO is performing an all Prokofiev program, including Peter and the Wolf!!!!!!, on its November family concert. I really really want to take my son, who will turn 4yo a couple of weeks later. The "common questions" section of their site says the family concerts are for children 5-8yo. :glare: Surely they don't i.d. the kids. ;) Should I just pretend I didn't read that and take him? Or should I accomodate their (dumb) rules and wait a year? I have no worries about him sitting quietly or generally behaving well.

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To get my wiggly little one to go and be good, I got the old Disney cartoon of it off EBay, so he would know the music inside and out. I even had a recording with....the bald guy who replaced Captain Kirk....doing the reading, and played it in the car. My son behaved at 4, but, and this may be a big but, he has always loved orchestral music and classical in general, and he was familiar with the piece. HTH.

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If you think your child would be able to sit through the concert and not be bored (and therefore disruptive), then I think it would be ok to take him. My opinion is that the ages given are a general guideline. As in, kids younger might not be ready to sit through the concert and kids older might think the program is a bit "young."


Years ago we went to a children's concert of Peter and the Wolf. It was great--and my 4yo enjoyed it as well!



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Thanks for your replies. I'm going to view the ages as guidelines and take him. I'm very excited! We adore Peter and the Wolf here, and I'm a big Prokofiev nut. He's been listening to various recordings and reading a book version since he was wee, including the Patrick Stewart one - that's a great one. I'm sure I've played the 1st Symphony, but never pointed it out to him particularly. And I doubt he's ever heard the Music for Children. So I'll play those for him more frequently between now and then. I grabbed recordings of them all for our road trip today - we're going to a wolf park for a wolf walk. :D

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